Панель закладок
- A Paper Sizes - A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10
- Panda
На второй круг
- luanfujun/deep-photo-styletransfer: Code and data for paper “Deep Photo Style Transfer”: https://arxiv.org/abs/1703.07511
- flatiron/director: a tiny and isomorphic URL router for JavaScript
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- Handoffs Guide for Pixel Perfect Design. Part I. – Pixel Point – Medium
- How I Made $70,714.20 Self-Publishing a Book About Ruby on Rails
- Приоритет операторов - JavaScript | MDN
- benbalter/problem_child: Allows authenticated or anonymous users to fill out a standard web form to create GitHub issues (and pull requests).
- Meet Algo, the VPN that works | Trail of Bits Blog
- Why Github can’t host the Linux Kernel Community
- Project Management for Software Teams | Clubhouse
- Цвет Нации. Russia in Bloom. on Vimeo
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- Telegram club :: Проверка публикации
- Фронтёрки Episode 5: Зарема Халилова, митапы и смерть jQuery
- bootstrap - Отменить открытие клавиатуры в инпутах смартфона - Stack Overflow на русском
- Terms / 500px
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- ma2gedev/bundle-star: Star github repositories automatically when you bundle installing
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- Smarter Rails Services with Active Model Modules
- Visualizing Rails logs With Jupyter Notebook
- Ruby Metrics In Rails For Beginners & Using TICKstack | InfluxData
- Mastering CSS Layout with Flexbox
- RorVsWild: Ruby on Rails applications monitoring.
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- postwill/postwill: Posting to the most popular social media from Ruby
- 12 советов от манипуляторов – Telegraph
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- Pricing - Airtable
- Why Web Developers Need to Care about Interactivity — Philip Walton
- cssdb
- Вы можете себе это позволить? Бюджет веб-производительности в реальном мире / Хабрахабр
- Быстрый обзор инструментов оркестрации и управления контейнерами - YouTube
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- Статистика русскоязычных Telegram-каналов. Аналитика Telegram. Telegram Analytics.
- Каналы Telegram – Каталог лучших каналов
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- How to be a 10x engineer: Business value for technologists – Striving for greatness
- Accessibility Through Semantic HTML ◆ 24 ways
- В чём разница между React и Vue? / Блог компании RUVDS.com / Хабрахабр
- ruby on rails - Authorizing websocket via token: connection vs channel - Stack Overflow
- JS MythBusters, A JavaScript optimization handbook from a high level point of view.
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- Регистрация доменов. Купить домен RU от 89 рублей. Reghouse.
- Конспект POODR. Object-Oriented Design
- TED - YouTube - YouTube
- oh-my-zsh/git.plugin.zsh at master · robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh
- Container Queries - Jonathan Snook at dotCSS 2017
- Top 5 Reasons for Ruby-ists to Use Crystal - The Crystal Programming Language
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- ROM - Compared to ActiveRecord
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- Devhints — TL;DR for developer documentation
- Basic logger implementation by valikos · Pull Request #7 · davydovanton/kan
- Uber в ритейле: как это работает – Telegraph
- Application with default settings · Issue #6 · davydovanton/kan
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- Редактор статей
- binhnguyennus/awesome-scalability: An up-to-date and curated reading list for designing high scalability , high availability , high stability back-end systems - Pull requests are greatly welcome Back-end & SRE engineers, let’ the world know your silent ye
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- Still Going on REST is the new SOAP | Phil Sturgeon
- Creating React-Native authentication with a Rails Backend.
- Тестирование компонентов React / Блог компании RUVDS.com / Хабрахабр
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- css-modules/css-modules: Documentation about css-modules
- 7 Practical Tips for Cheating at Design – Refactoring UI – Medium
- oblomoff - YouTube - YouTube
- Подборки советов Бюро Горбунова
- Responsive Components: a Solution to the Container Queries Problem — Philip Walton
- Clowne: Clone Ruby models with a smile — Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog
- thysultan/stylis.js: light – weight css preprocessor
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- sky-uk/css: Believe in Better CSS
- A Deep Dive into CSRF Protection in Rails – Ruby Inside – Medium
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- How to build a simple HackerNews feed with styled-components
- How to create responsive UI with styled-components – 💅 styled-components – Medium
- Getting Sassy with styled-components – 💅 styled-components – Medium
- Responsive Styled Components in 3 Minutes – 💅 styled-components – Medium
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- Designing Button States - Cloud Four
- In Defense of Utility-First CSS | frontstuff
- RubaXa/Sortable: Sortable — is a JavaScript library for reorderable drag-and-drop lists on modern browsers and touch devices. No jQuery. Supports Meteor, AngularJS, React, Polymer, Knockout and any CSS library, e.g. Bootstrap.
- Easing Gradients
- Telegram Bot API
- [Wroc_Love.rb 2018] Cables! Cables! Cables! // Speaker Deck
- Всё о презервативах и контрацепции в одном месте
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- MovieMaker - YouTube - YouTube
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- [в закладки] Инструменты JS-разработчика, на которые стоит обратить внимание / Блог компании RUVDS.com / Хабрахабр
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- React State From the Ground Up | CSS-Tricks
- Optimizing React: Virtual DOM explained — Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog
- jmettraux/rufus-scheduler: scheduler for Ruby (at, in, cron and every jobs)
- Async Actions - Redux (по 3 экшна для запроса данных с сервера)
- nikgraf/awesome-draft-js: Awesome list of Draft.js resources
- React Router: Declarative Routing for React.js
- Get in Full(stack) Shape With Rails 5.1, Webpacker, and ReactJS
- Перемещение данных Thunderbird на новый компьютер | Справка Thunderbird
- Pepegramming – Medium
- Портал государственных услуг Российской Федерации
- Bugsnag docs › API › Data access
- Czech porn is hilariously horrible | eFukt.com
- Telegram Web
- draft-js/examples/draft-0-10-0 at master · facebook/draft-js
- Complex Inline Styles | Draft.js | Rich Text Editor Framework for React
- Action Policy: authorization framework for Ruby/Rails applications
- [RailsConf 2018] Access Denied: the missing guide to authorization in Rails // Speaker Deck
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- Uppy File Uploader
- CSS at Scale: LinkedIn’s New Open Source Projects Take on Stylesheet Performance | LinkedIn Engineering
- Cards and Composability in Design Systems – EightShapes – Medium
- Личный кабинет - Заказанные документы
- binhnguyennus/awesome-scalability: An up-to-date and curated reading list for designing high scalability , high availability , high stability back-end systems - Pull requests are greatly welcome Back-end & SRE engineers, let’ the world know your silent ye
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- Portainer | Simple management UI for Docker
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- Flynn – The product that ops provides to developers
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- Полные условия конкурса дизайна упаковки - Google Docs
- palkan/action_policy: Authorization framework for Ruby/Rails applications
- davydovanton/kan: Simple, functional authorization library and role managment for ruby
- eqio — простая, компактная альтернатива выражениям от элемента/контейнера — CSS-LIVE
- Subscription and payment - Spotify
- Command-line Processing @ ImageMagick
- ClipboardPersistence - Ubuntu Wiki
- master maps: Creating a WebGL Earth with three.js
- HTML5: Render open data on a 3D world globe with Three.js | Smartjava.org
- ddnexus/pagy: The ultimate pagination ruby gem
- WebRTC Issues and How to Debug Them - via @codeship | via @codeship
- reinteractive’s Ruby on Rails developers blog posts
- RailsEventStore/rails_event_store: A Ruby implementation of an Event Store based on Active Record.
- Home | Arkency Blog
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- zyedidia/micro: A modern and intuitive terminal-based text editor
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- sharkdp/bat: A cat(1) clone with wings.
- Готовый перевод Re:Monster / Re:Монстр: 126-150 :: Tl.Rulate.ru
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- Concerns as a first class citizens in Rails apps - good or evil?
- Converting Images To WebP — Smashing Magazine
- The Complete Illustrated Flexbox Tutorial – freeCodeCamp
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- PayPal
- Braintree Developer Documentation
- Welcome - Braintree Gateway
- Braintree | Business
- The trick to viewport units on mobile | CSS-Tricks
- The Cost Of JavaScript In 2018 – Addy Osmani – Medium
- webhint, the hinting engine for web best practices
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- Отдых в Тайланде • Форум Винского
- bcc.18.08.20.kenzie c | EroMe
- Customize Radio Buttons without Compromising Accessibility
- Nested Links Without Nesting Links — Sara Soueidan – Freelance-Front-End UI/UX Developer
- Sara Soueidan — Freelance Front-End UI/UX Developer — Sara Soueidan – Freelance-Front-End UI/UX Developer
- Отзывчивые изображения: CSS-приёмы, которые помогают экономить время / Блог компании RUVDS.com / Хабр
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- Миша Зорин. Краткая информация и контакты
- composed_of (ActiveRecord::Aggregations::ClassMethods) - APIdock
- nodkz/lvovich: Склонение названий городов, определения пола по ФИО, склонения имен по падежам
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- «Шкура в игре»: на кого гневается Нассим Талеб - K.Fund Media
- Teaching the Details Element with … Details Elements!
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- OAuth application settings
- Squoosh
- Home | web.dev
- You need to fix your
| Kevin Powell
- Redesigning your product and website for dark mode — Stuff & Nonsense
- !important // basecamp.com [CSS Grid] on XOTV
- Для чего нужен личный бренд и как его создать - Лайфхакер
- Soft Skills: The software developer’s life manual - Book review - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
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- You need neither PWA nor AMP to make your website load fast @ tonsky.me
- JSX is syntactic sugar
- Правильная шпаргалка по CSS-каскаду — CSS-LIVE
- jhund/filterrific: Filterrific is a Rails Engine plugin that makes it easy to filter, search, and sort your ActiveRecord lists.
- Блокчейн изнутри: как устроен биткоин :: Разбираемся раз и навсегда человеческим языком :: Блог Вастрик.ру
- Я есть XSLT в Твиттере: «Ладно, раз пошла такая пьянка: каждый лайк - один факт про программирование или дизайн, которые привели к смерти людей.
- Some notes on running new software in production - Julia Evans
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- Гайдлайн
- Tracking, Track Parcels, Packages, Shipments | DHL Express Tracking
- If it’s interactive, it needs a focus style
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- How to Reduce Memory Usage by Tuning Gemfile
- RubyConf Rundown Pt. 1 – Brandon Weaver – Medium
- Stimulus Discourse
- ECOMMPAY Payment Solutions | Tailor the payment process to your vision
- Mastering data structures in Ruby — Recap – amiralles – Medium
- 101: Law of Demeter
- MiniMagick Gem: How to Transform Images Using Ruby - RubyGuides
- Model, document and share.
- rails/actiontext: Edit and display rich text in Rails applications
- How to write Clean Code? – Luan Nguyen – Medium
- Резюме web-разработчика
- GitHub - mariuszkapcia/project-management-app: Domain-driven design, CQRS, and Event Sourcing demo application.
- Как прошел ваш 2018 год? Рассказываем!
- Actionable Tips to Improve Web Performance with Rails
- WebP сегодня: для чего и как? – Web Standards – Medium
- Everything is Enumerated - rossta.net
- Styling a Select Like It’s 2019 | Filament Group, Inc., Boston, MA
- A Brief Guide to Learning Faster (and Better) | Scott H Young
- Рефакторинг и Паттерны проектирования
- Управление техническим долгом / Блог компании Нетология / Хабр
- About the cookies Squarespace uses – Squarespace Help
- Luxon — новая библиотека для работы с датами от команды Moment.js / Хабр
- HexaPDF - HexaPDF 0.9.0 - Document Layout
- 101: Actual refactoring - real life story
- Samus Aran - Album on Imgur
- GitHub - pawurb/smart_init: A simple gem for eliminating Ruby initializers boilerplate code, and providing unified service objects API
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- Risen 2: DW - FAQ по поиску уникальных предметов в игре | World of Players RU
- Redis Data Structures
- Product Tour - Honeybadger
- logster/README.md at master · discourse/logster · GitHub
- Line breaks are not supported (Excel Mac 2011) · Issue #252 · randym/axlsx
- “CarambaTV” - Смотреть новые серии онлайн
- jb/README.md at master · amatsuda/jb · GitHub
- ant-design/README.md at master · ant-design/ant-design · GitHub
- GitHub - emancu/ector-multi:
is an object for grouping multiple DB operations that should be performed in a single database transaction.
- GitHub - mrzasa/call_logger: A debugging tool that lets you log method usage.
- loaf/README.md at master · piotrmurach/loaf · GitHub
- A List of UX/UI Best Practices for Websites
- The Top Ruby Weekly links of 2018 – Ruby Inside – Medium
- Lower memory usage of your Rails app with jemalloc.🍭 | Bubblin Superbooks Official Blog
- active_merchant/README.md at master · activemerchant/active_merchant · GitHub
- render_async/README.md at master · renderedtext/render_async · GitHub
- Upgrading GitHub from Rails 3.2 to 5.2 | GitHub Engineering
- GitHub - csvreader/csvreader: csvreader library / gem - read tabular data in the comma-separated values (csv) format the right way (uses best practices out-of-the-box with zero-configuration)
- Awesome Ruby
- Quick start
- ronin/payu at refresh
- michalpodlecki/openpayu_ruby
- Timber.io | Log Better
- Spotify Design - The Paradox of Design Systems
- How I got my first pull request merged on Rails-core | Schwad
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- PIM’S BISTRO & BAKERY (พิมส์ บิสโทร่ แอนด์ เบเกอรี่) | Weserve Delivery
- Startup Garden
- GitHub - pablocrivella/statics: Base class and modules for YAML backed static models.
- GitHub - schneems/attendance: Speed up ActiveRecord#present? calls with the power of monkeypatching!
- Designing the Flexbox Inspector - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
- Painlessly managing long running processes in your views using Ruby on Rails
- Painlessly managing long running processes in your views using Ruby on Rails
- GitHub - vifreefly/kimuraframework: Modern web scraping framework written in Ruby which works out of box with Headless Chromium/Firefox, PhantomJS, or simple HTTP requests and allows to scrape and interact with JavaScript rendered websites parse parsing
- Does ActionCable Smell Like Rails? — Appfolio Engineering
- Using Pundit for authorization in Rails - recipes and best practices
- bitarray/README.md at master · peterc/bitarray · GitHub
- GitHub - ankane/groupdate: The simplest way to group temporal data
- GitHub - mattheworiordan/capybara-screenshot: Automatically save screen shots when a Capybara scenario fails
- Ruby on Rails: send emails with style
- GitHub - grodowski/undercover: Actionable code coverage - detects untested code blocks in recent changes
- Conjur DevOps Blog » Making Ruby Yours
- GitHub - Netflix/fast_jsonapi: A lightning fast JSON:API serializer for Ruby Objects.
- Crystalball Manual
- Чтение манги Сloser than Neighbors глава 13 [Страница 1 / 5]
- JavaScript-sprinkled Rails Applications | AppSignal Blog
- Читать Ближе, чем соседи / Сloser than Neighbors. Манхва онлайн.
- Powering your Ruby & Rails development with Pry – Ruby Inside – Medium
- pragmatic_segmenter/README.md at master · diasks2/pragmatic_segmenter · GitHub
- GitHub - diasks2/pragmatic_segmenter: Pragmatic Segmenter is a rule-based sentence boundary detection gem that works out-of-the-box across many languages.
- E-Commerce at Scale: Inside Shopify’s Tech Stack - Shopify Tech Stack | StackShare
- Analyzing, visualizing and optimizing JS bundle size in Rails/Webpacker apps
- GitHub - igorkasyanchuk/cache_with_locale
- Fie
- Ignore PHP bots with Rack::Attack - Andy Croll
- Rails CSRF protection for SPA
- Rails DateTime Formats
- GitHub - markets/maily: Rails Engine to preview emails in the browser
- GitHub - discourse/mini_sql: a minimal, fast, safe sql executor
- Arel with Wharel - dejimata
- Quick tips for practical Rubocop workflow - DNSimple Blog
- Simple shortcuts to get more out of Bundler | Everyday Rails
- GitHub - reinteractive/wallaby: Rails way admin interface to manage data
- Великие люди - Google Docs
- Coding Sidekiq Workers the Right Way - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
- Conditional execution with DSL in Ruby – Rails Guides
- Add Enumerable#index_with. · Issue #32523 · rails/rails · GitHub
- How to run tests in Minitest continuously with dynamic test files loading
- Ruby’s magical Enumerable module | AppSignal Blog
- The Case for before_validation callback: complex state normalization - Karol Galanciak - Ruby on Rails and Ember.js consultant
- GitHub - hellostealth/stealth: An open source Ruby framework for voice and text chatbots. 🤖
- niceql/README.md at master · alekseyl/niceql · GitHub
- REDNBLACK/J-Kinopoisk2IMDB: Приложение для импорта списков и оценок с Кинопоиска на IMDB
- Тичер. Перевод - Google Docs
- Separating Data and Code in Rails Architecture – Root Engineering – Medium
- GitHub - igorkasyanchuk/rails_db: Rails Database Viewer and SQL Query Runner
- GitHub - glebm/i18n-tasks: Manage translation and localization with static analysis, for Ruby i18n
- 40 Best Ruby Gems We Can’t Live Without - Codica Blog
- How to mitigate DDoS using Rack::Attack | BigBinary Blog
- Securing User Emails in Rails
- Adding GDPR Compliance to My Rails App and Technical Blog
- GitHub - jhawthorn/discard: 🃏🗑 Soft deletes for ActiveRecord done right
- Rails 5.2 sets Ruby version in Gemfile and adds .ruby-version file by default | BigBinary Blog
- My Ruby on Rails Workflow, Productivity Tips and Tools [Screencast]
- Ruby’s Rack Push: Decoupling the real-time web application from the web | Musing, Music and things that go bump in the night
- Reducing Sidekiq Memory Usage with Jemalloc | Brandon Hilkert
- How to Implement a Ruby Hash like Grammar in Parslet
- Readme Driven Development
- Increase Your Productivity with Rails Console Aliases [Quick Tip]
- Use Hash#fetch when using Rails params in controllers - Andy Croll
- GitHub - podigee/device_detector: DeviceDetector is a precise and fast user agent parser and device detector written in Ruby
- ApiStruct – A Library for Building API Wrappers in Ruby
- GitHub - prey/gdpr_rails: Rails Engine for the GDPR compliance
- Using singleton objects as default arguments in Ruby | Arkency Blog
- Event Sourcing made Simple – Kickstarter Engineering
- GitHub - MaxLap/activerecord_where_assoc: Make ActiveRecord do conditions on your associations
- Inspectlet - Session Recording, Website Heatmaps, Javascript A/B Testing, Error Logging, Form Analytics
- Stop robots and crawlers causing errors in your Rails application - Andy Croll
- Refactoring for the Tell Don’t Ask Pattern - via @codeship | via @codeship
- Interactive debug sessions in RSpec with Capybara – Tom Dracz – Medium
- Do you really need WebSockets? – Not again
- the-ultimate-guide-to-ruby-timeouts/README.md at master · ankane/the-ultimate-guide-to-ruby-timeouts · GitHub
- ActiveRecord Tricks | Drifting Ruby
- Akuma ga Boku o хенатй манга
- A Modern Web Application With Rails – Alessandro Rodi – Medium
- Want To End Sexual Harassment? Landmark Study Finds Ousting ‘Bad Men’ Isn’t Enough | HuffPost
- waterfall/README.md at master · apneadiving/waterfall · GitHub
- Altar of Elders’s Videos
- CultureHQ.com - A Better Workplace Community
- Using Postgresql To Perform Tasks In A User’s Local Time Zone
- 3 ActiveRecord Mistakes That Slow Down Rails Apps: Count, Where and Present
- GitHub - machinio/cuprite: Headless Chrome driver for Capybara
- Partial application in Ruby - Igor writing about things
- suggest_rb/README.md at master · jbodah/suggest_rb · GitHub
- Rails Architect MasterClass: Bounded Contexts – Mariusz Kapcia – Medium
- Scaling Ruby Apps to 1000 Requests per Minute - A Beginner’s Guide
- Fastest way to profile a method in Ruby
- Memory profiler tools for ruby · Anton Davydov
- Less Known ‘rails commands’ – Dead Simple Ruby On Rails
- Rails Application Templates – Dead Simple Ruby On Rails
- Payment Gateway Providers In Poland
- Exporting and Importing large amount of data in Rails
- LIT Rails Internationalization (i18n) - the new way of translating Rails apps - Prograils - Ruby on Rails and Elixir Software Development Team
- Fail Better: Turning Software Errors into Documentation
- Invalidating caches when using many-to-many associations in Rails · Evrim Persembe
- How do you figure? | scottohara.me
- Launching your own Ruby gem - Part 2: Promote it | ButterCMS
- rubanok/README.md at master · palkan/rubanok · GitHub
- 3 Unexpected behaviors using Ruby – rubycademy – Medium
- How to neatly organise assets in a Rails app | Alberto Fernández-Capel
- RFS: Attr Reader, Writer, Accessor - 011 - Codemy.net
- Factors in authentication - apenwarr
- GitHub - charlax/professional-programming: A collection of full-stack resources for programmers.
- Application Transformation Recipes | Pivotal
- “The Problem With Software” – KI labs Engineering – Medium
- slim_erb_backport/README.md at master · igorkasyanchuk/slim_erb_backport · GitHub
- GitHub - fxn/zeitwerk: Efficient and thread-safe code loader for Ruby
- Using reCAPTCHA v3 with Turbolinks | bmonkeys
- Use Multiple Migrations When Adding Database Constraints - Andy Croll
- The autoload Method in Ruby – rubycademy – Medium
- Ruby memory, ActiveRecord and Draper – Appaloosa Store Engineering – Medium
- snippet generator
- React 16.6.0 Goodies | CSS-Tricks
- Faster CSV downloads using Enumerator – reflektive-engineering – Medium
- GitHub - fxn/zeitwerk: Efficient and thread-safe code loader for Ruby
- How often do you deploy to production? | GoCD Blog
- GitHub - riscy/command_line_lint: This script generates a report against your command-line history and suggests workflow improvements.
- Организация работы программиста-одиночки / Habr
- GitHub - finnhvman/matter: Material Components in Pure CSS
- Chain of responsibility pattern in Ruby on Rails
- Enumerate through paginated REST API resources
- Security Checklist
- RFS: p vs puts Method - 016 - Codemy.net
- How to Protect Individual Resources with Passwords
- How ActionCable broke Puma – Plezi – Medium
- twpayne/chezmoi: Manage your dotfiles securely across multiple machines.
- DevURLs – World’s simplest developer news aggregator
- Grabbing ActionCable with Stimulus.js • John Beatty
- Сообщество Steam :: Руководство :: Прохождение храмов и звёзд, все достижения и концовки
- Сообщество Steam :: Руководство :: Secret Stars - Hints + Complete Solutions [With spoiler tags]
- Microsoft/Recommenders: Recommender Systems
- 42 performance tips for Ruby on Rails • Magnus Skog
- openblockchains/programming-cryptocontracts: Programming Crypto Blockchain Contracts Step-by-Step Book / Guide. Let’s Start with Ponzi & Pyramid Schemes. Run Your Own Lotteries, Gambling Casinos and more on the Blockchain World Computer…
- Playing with Ruby object model: prototypal inheritance
- Useful Curl features
- The Gyoza Phuket (เดอะเกี๊ยวซ่าภูเก็ต) | WESERVE Phuket
- juice0599’s Public Videos - Free Porn Videos & Sex Movies - Porno, XXX, Porn Tube and Pussy Porn
- Alisa Tyshkevich — Алиса Тышкевич
- Requiring a file or library in Ruby – rubycademy – Medium
- How to tell the difference between a default and a provided value for optional arguments in Ruby? - Karol Galanciak - Ruby on Rails and Ember.js consultant
- Holacracy-Constitution-4.1-RUSSIAN/Holacracy-Constitution-RU.md at master · holacracyone/Holacracy-Constitution-4.1-RUSSIAN
- posthtml/posthtml: PostHTML is a tool to transform HTML/XML with JS plugins
- basecamp/trix: A rich text editor for everyday writing
- JefMari/awesome-wysiwyg: A curated list of awesome WYSIWYG editors
- “!” and “?”: Understanding one of Ruby’s coolest naming conventions
- Rails Routes, HTTP Methods and SQL Queries
- Be careful of the JWT hype train - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
- RSpec Mocks and Stubs in Plain English - Code with Jason
- Often Neglected API Best Practices - The Lean Software Boutique
- Introducing dry-schema – solnic.codes
- Thanks to repositories… | Arkency Blog
- Как на самом деле работает position: sticky в CSS – Web Standards – Medium
- CSS { In Real Life } | A Year of Utility Classes
- The Internals of PostgreSQL : Introduction
- ValueSemantics—A Gem for Making Value Classes
- Guide to Web Authentication
- Streaming HTTP for Ruby
- Rails Includes vs Joins – Swapnil Gourshete – Medium
- Alive and Kickin’: Ruby on Rails Advantages (2019) - Snipcart
- Replace Timecop With Rails’ Time Helpers in RSpec - Andy Croll
- GitHub - twalpole/apparition: Capybara driver for Chrome using CDP
- What is Dry-rb? - RubyGuides
- GitHub - maximeg/email_inquire: Validate email for common typos and one-time email providers
- GitHub - github/hotkey: Global DOM element activation
- Rails Blog Engine | ButterCMS
- Options for adding a blog to a Rails application
- Как достичь успеха: советы от президента Y Combinator — Офтоп на vc.ru
- Contentful: Content Infrastructure for Digital Teams
- Онлайн игра «Уволить Маркетолога»
- Абрахам Джей. Книги онлайн
- Amazing Cash | Интернет-бизнес в США
- React & БЭМ – официальная коллаборация. Часть историческая / Блог компании Яндекс / Хабр
- The TypeScript Tax – JavaScript Scene – Medium
- Demystifying JOIN Algorithms
- Why Don’t People Use Formal Methods? • Hillel Wayne
- Preload, Eager Load, Includes and Joins in Ruby on Rails - RailsCarma - Ruby on Rails Development Company specializing in Offshore Development - Bangalore, Qatar, California, Dallas, Newyork
- Resolve foreign key constraint conflict while copying data using topological sort | BigBinary Blog
- Using the Product Canvas to Define Your Product: Getting Started - EBG Consulting
- How to handle layout changes when using HTTP caching in Rails · Evrim Persembe
- What the RegEx? | Drifting Ruby
- The Enumerable module in Ruby: Part I – rubycademy – Medium
- The TypeScript Tax – JavaScript Scene – Medium
- Участники сообщества Ruby On Rails разработчики
- Зарабатываем 10 000 рублей в день на вебкам моделях – Telegraph
- Рафаэль Халилов
- danluu/post-mortems: A collection of postmortems. Sorry for the delay in merging PRs!
- sitrox/rails_ops: Operations service layer for rails projects.
- gruns/ImmortalDB: A relentless key-value store for the browser.
- Inheritance on-the-fly with Ruby on Rails – Mehdi Farsi – Medium
- Three Useful Data Migration Patterns for Rails - The Lean Software Boutique
- GitHub - floere/phony: E164 international phone number normalizing, splitting, formatting.
- Semaphore Uncut 019 – Chat with Eddie Zaneski, DigitalOcean - YouTube
- Keep your state changes local
- An Illustrated (and Musical) Guide to Map, Reduce, and Filter Array Methods | CSS-Tricks
- Leaving Breadcrumbs in your Progressive Web App with Stimulus.js • John Beatty
- How to Access Production Data in Rails Migrations
- Optimizing test suites when using Rails Event Store | Arkency Blog
- Speeding Up Your Ruby on Rails App – Daniel Lempesis – Medium
- Hindsight
- Читать мангу онлайн Повседневная жизнь извращенки от переводчика Valkiren’s group. Глава 2 – MangaHub.ru
- igorkasyanchuk/with_record: Returns relations/association for soft deleted records in DB
- Fast Binary Encoding (FBE) | FastBinaryEncoding
- Release v1.0.0 · bolshakov/fear
- Stimulus + ActionCable + ActiveJob: Loading Asynchronous API Data • John Beatty
- Gremlin: Chaos Engineering Tools to Break Things on Purpose
- mdibaiee/awesome-lite-websites: A list of awesome lightweight websites without all the bloat
- Be Careful Assigning to has_one Relations - Andy Croll
- Rails 6 unnoticed features | Drivy Engineering
- Using ActiveStorage in Rails API-apps - Zweitag
- zdennis/activerecord-import: A library for bulk insertion of data into your database using ActiveRecord.
- Rails 6 changed ActiveRecord::Base.configurations result to an object | BigBinary Blog
- 123apps – Бесплатные веб-приложения
- GrapesJS
- Hash#new | Scott Watermasysk
- awesome-activerecord/README.md at master · planetruby/awesome-activerecord · GitHub
- Rails 6 adds ActiveModel::Errors#slice! | BigBinary Blog
- You probably don’t need a single-page application
- PDF.io – незаменимые инструменты для работы с PDF
- Postgres tips for Rails developers
- GitHub - GeorgeKaraszi/ActiveRecordExtended: Adds additional postgres functionality to an ActiveRecord / Rails application
- socketry/falcon: A modern high-performance web server for Ruby, supporting HTTP/2 and HTTPS out of the box.
- БроБот - бесплатная программа бот для Вконтакте, Facebook, Инстаграм, Одноклассников и др. соц. сетей.
- isacikgoz/gitin: commit/branch/workdir explorer for git
- Don’t use instance variables in partials - Andy Croll
- Rails 6 adds Relation#reselect – Saeloun Blog
- Webpack, Webpacker and Modules, Oh My! How to Add Javascript to Ruby on Rails | Blackninja Dojo
- The status of Ruby memory trimming & how you can help with testing – Joyful Bikeshedding
- Rails 6 shows unpermitted params in logs in color | BigBinary Blog
- 5 security issues in Ruby on Rails apps from real life - frontdeveloper.pl
- vergilet/repost: Redirect using POST method
- rubygarage/truemail
- Monitoring Puma web server with Prometheus and Grafana - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
- Remove Background from Image – remove.bg
- Monitoring ECS with Datadog | Datadog
- Арбитражный управляющий
- AMP: будущее электронной почты / Блог компании Google / Хабр
- Removing duplicate objects from an Array (is hard)
- Клуб предпринимателей на Пхукете
- Полезность
- alexellis/inlets: Expose your local endpoints to the Internet
- In Defense of YAML
- Stimulus.js Tutorial: Interactive Deletes with Rails UJS • John Beatty
- Create UML diagrams online in seconds, no special tools needed.
- Towards an understanding of technical debt | Kellan Elliott-McCrea
- Debugging Rails Mails with Mailhog – Ars Futura
- Database seeding task uses inline Active Job adapter in Rails 6 | BigBinary Blog
- Form validations with HTML5 and modern Rails – Jorge Manrubia
- igorkasyanchuk/execute_sql: Execute SQL inside Rails console, or app itself
- nickelser/activejob-traffic_control: Rate limiting/job enabling for ActiveJob using distributed locks in Redis or Memcached.
- Preload, prefetch and other tags: what they do and when to use them · PerfPerfPerf
- Снять студию в Москве без посредников недорого | арендовать студию на длительный срок
- piotrmurach/merkle_tree: A merkle tree is a data structure used for efficiently summarizing sets of data, often one-time signatures.
- Page Objects in Rails - Code with Jason
- ePN - партнерская программа
- Panic - What’s Next for Coda?
- Release 0.3.0 “A denial” 🎸 · palkan/action_policy
- planetruby/awesome-rubies: A collection of awesome Rubies (compilers, interpreters, virtual machines, parsers, doc generators, version managers, etc.)
- Legacy Rails: Silently Judging You - Ruby on Rails Upgrades
- Rails 6 adds Array#including, Array#excluding, Enumerable#including, Enumerable#excluding – Saeloun Blog
- Our books are now free
- ankane/blazer: Business intelligence made simple
- 7 Interesting Ruby Code Examples - RubyGuides
- A Deep Dive into Routing and Controller Dispatch in Rails
- Refactoring To Higher-Order Functions – Codemanship’s Blog
- eviltester/observatron: A prototype exploratory testing observation tool for Chrome browser
- Zeitwerk integration in Rails 6 (Beta 2) | Riding Rails
- Фулстеки — это вечные мидлы. Не идите по этому пути, если не хотите страдать / Habr
- The Missing Ruby Code Formatter | Meta Redux
- Protect your sign up form with Rack::Attack - Andy Croll
- bkuhlmann/versionaire: Provides immutable, thread-safe, semantic versioning.
- Rails 6 adds negative scopes on enum | BigBinary Blog
- twhite96/js-dev-reads: A list of books 📚and articles 📝 for the discerning web developer to read.
- baweaver/trace_spy: [ALPHA] TraceSpy is a wrapper around TracePoint with some extra pattern matching magic
- What’s Wrong With Microservice Dev? – Windmill Engineering – Medium
- Telegram by CyberCobra
- A Bit of Performance
- strftimer - A Ruby strftime generator
- 7 Commandments for Event-Driven Architecture | RJ Zaworski
- talks/bool.md at master · geraldb/talks
- tannerlinsley/react-table: ⚛️ Hooks for building fast and extendable tables and datagrids for React
- Dumpster Diving through Dotfiles: Better Git Logging
- UI redesigns are mostly a waste of time
- A scary side of ActiveRecord’s find | Arkency Blog
- Build, Test & Deploy Rails Apps - Buddy
- Ruby’s Hidden Gems, StringScanner | AppSignal Blog
- Ruby 2.7 — Numbered Parameters – Brandon Weaver – Medium
- Patterns for asynchronous read models in infrastructure without order guarantee | Arkency Blog
- mikker/passwordless: 🗝 Authentication for your Rails app without the icky-ness of passwords
- Add insert_many to ActiveRecord models by boblail · Pull Request #35077 · rails/rails
- npm desktop manager
- You Should Not Ignore the Mastodon Social Network Any More - Carl Chenet’s Blog
- s6ruby/enums: enums library / gem - safe enumeration types - a set of symbolic keys bound to unique integer numbers
- Как вести жесткие переговоры
- Bugs Are Welcome
- leeoniya/dropcss: A simple, thorough and fast unused-CSS cleaner
- Dustin Zeisler | The Power of Ruby Structs
- Rails 6 adds delete_by and destroy_by as ActiveRecord::Relation methods | BigBinary Blog
- Как научиться говорить на английском за 2 месяца?
- Some Postgres Best Practices
- s6ruby/safestruct: safestruct library / gem - safe data structures (array, hash, struct) - say goodbye to null / nil (and maybe) - say hello to zero
- Перевозка животных
- Bookworm
- LisaDziuba/Awesome-Design-Tools: The best design tools for everything.
- Ruby 2.7 adds shorthand operator for Object#method – Saeloun Blog
- basecamp/local_time: Rails engine for cache-friendly, client-side local time
- ankane/slowpoke: Rack::Timeout enhancements for Rails
- amatsuda/heavens_door: Capybara test scenario recorder for Rails
- awesome-world/README.md at master · planetopendata/awesome-world · GitHub
- Channely — сервис для создания отложенных публикаций в Telegram
- How to setup Ruby Object Mapper (ROM) for standalone project
- Introducing dry-schema – solnic.codes
- Ruby has no class methods - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
- Storing UTC is not a silver bullet | Jon Skeet’s coding blog
- agglance - агрегатор фриланс проектов
- chanind.github.io | Javascript, Python, DevOps, and China
- An Intro to zsh-utils – Coded by Kaleb
- hyperfine :: cli.fan — Improving your workflow since 2019
- Rails 6 adds create_or_find_by and create_or_find_by! | BigBinary Blog
- GitHub - googleapis/signet: Signet is an OAuth 1.0 / OAuth 2.0 implementation.
- Monsters in the Middleboxes: Introducing Two New Tools for Detecting HTTPS Interception
- Filebin :: bin fkk1024mqcczfwis
- cortexlabs/cortex: Machine learning infrastructure for developers
- 30 Seconds of Knowledge
- mickxolotl/aura-api: Python API для Яндекс.Аура
- Processing a CSV File in Batch With Sidekiq - The Lean Software Boutique
- React as a UI Runtime — Overreacted
- Ускоряем WebGL/Three.js с помощью OffscreenCanvas и веб-воркеров / Хабр
- arches/table_print: The best data slicer! Watch a 3 minute screencast at http://tableprintgem.com
- An instrumental intro to GraphQL with Ruby | AppSignal Blog
- Going deep on UUIDs and ULIDs
- janlelis/unicode-x: Unicode Micro Libraries for Ruby
- New features in Rails 6: Multiple databases, parallel tests, Action Mailbox and more - Prograils - Ruby on Rails and Elixir Software Development Team
- CultureHQ/rack-queries: A page in your rack-based application that allows quick execution of pre-built queries
- Active Storage meets GraphQL: Direct Uploads - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
- Avoiding Junk-Drawer Classes in Ruby
- Firefox Send
- Новый кодек AV1: ускоряем загрузку видео в браузере / Хабр
- jfcoz/postgresqltuner: Simple script to analyse your PostgreSQL database configuration, and give tuning advice
- Ruby Trickery - Ryan Bigg
- 5 распространенных ошибок умных людей
- Writing CSS Algorithms | Lara Schenck
- 15 lessons from our first $15 million | Nathan Barry
- How did we get to service meshes? – Ingeniously Simple – Medium
- GitHub - jnunemaker/flipper: feature flipping for ruby (performant and simple)
- Simplifying complex queries with the ActiveRecord Union gem
- Action Cable vs AnyCable: fight! - Nebulab
- Preload, prefetch и другие теги / Хабр
- Hello, CanCanCan 3.0 – Alessandro Rodi – Medium
- antonmedv/red: Terminal log analysis tools
- Refactoring With Design Patterns - the State Pattern - The Lean Software Boutique
- Снять квартиру в Ростове-на-дону без посредников - 107 объявлений, сдам студию, гостинку, аренда однокомнатных квартир на длительный срок, 1-к
- Table Design Patterns On The Web — Smashing Magazine
- BlazingSQL — The GPU SQL Engine now runs over 20X Faster than Apache Spark!
- ValueSemantics—A Gem for Making Value Classes
- Rails 6 adds support for timezones to Active Job – Saeloun Blog
- Rails 6 adds ActiveModel::Errors#of_kind? | BigBinary Blog
- jgogstad/passwordless-history: Keep passwords out of your ZSH history
- Adding Google Analytics to a Rails 5 / Turbolinks 5 app · Evrim Persembe
- What’s coming to Rails 6.0? – Ruby Inside – Medium
- Ruby on Rails API Authentication
- SSD VPS Servers, Cloud Servers and Cloud Hosting by Vultr - Vultr.com
- Using Faktory with JavaScript
- awesome-falsehood/README.md at master · kdeldycke/awesome-falsehood
- ES5 to ESNext — here’s every feature added to JavaScript since 2015
- Helix: Improve the Performance of Rails with Rust
- Announcing Linaria 1.0 – Callstack Engineers
- Learning by building, a Background Processing System in Ruby | AppSignal Blog
- Определяем свой уровень сознания по Дэвиду Хокинсу – Ярмарка Мастеров
- passwordless/README.md at master · mikker/passwordless · GitHub
- Make Delegated Methods Private in Rails
- How we Built a Highly Performant App with Ruby on Rails and Phoenix
- Using CSS Grid the right way | hey it’s violet
- s6ruby/units-time: units-time library / gem - units of time (in epoch time) incl. seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, fortnights, years and more
- Trending Projects for March 10, 2019 - The Ruby Toolbox
- igorkasyanchuk/just_for_fun: Do you want to call 42.to_user, [42, 43, 44].to_users? Try this gem :)
- ankane/production_rails: Best practices for running Rails in production
- Why don’t we validate controller parameters? - frontdeveloper.pl
- Как научиться говорить на английском за 2 месяца?
- link.medium.com
- Deconstructing the Monolith – Shopify Engineering
- What is Rake in Ruby & How to Use it - RubyGuides
- Percy | Visual testing as a service
- postlight/mercury-parser: 📜 Extracting content from the chaos of the web.
- Growth, but at what cost? - The Engineering Manager
- Vertically Scaling PostgreSQL - pgDash
- Keybase
- Простые лайфхаки по визуализации данных в Google Spreadsheets, или Таблица, которую не стыдно показать людям
- Ruby 2.7 adds Enumerable#tally – Saeloun Blog
- webpacker/v4-upgrade.md at master · rails/webpacker
- JSON API Errors Handler - a new way of catching API exceptions in ruby
- Читать мангу онлайн Повседневная жизнь извращенки от переводчика Valkiren’s group. Глава 15 – MangaHub.ru
- botandrose/capybara-headless_chrome: A nice and tidy Capybara driver for headless Chrome. Even supports file downloads!
- Architecting UIs for Change
- s6ruby/safebool: safebool gem / library - safe bool(ean) type adds Bool(), to_b, to_bool, bool?, false?, true?, true.is_a?(Bool)==true, false.is_a?(Bool)==true, and more
- Максим Ильяхов. Как написать. Электронное руководство
- Читать мангу онлайн Повседневная жизнь извращенки от переводчика Valkiren’s group. Глава 19 – MangaHub.ru
- planetruby/gems: Gem of the Week Series
- Rails 6 raises ActiveModel::MissingAttributeError when update_columns is used with non-existing attribute | BigBinary Blog
- Two niceties about Ruby Structs – Jorge Manrubia
- kkuprikov/forspell: Smart spellchecker for Ruby code and docs
- Dream Code First
- Create and install SSL certificates with ease – a Capistrano plugin (revised) - Exceptiontrap
- Rails Trace
- Инклюзивные компоненты: список дел – Web Standards – Medium
- web/README.md at master · pikapkg/web
- How to Tell Your Ruby Program to Stop Running Early - RubyGuides
- Object Marshalling in Ruby | AppSignal Blog
- Adapting to user preferences | justmarkup
- Endlessh: an SSH Tarpit « null program
- How I write characterization tests - Code with Jason
- Taplink — Мультиссылка в Instagram
- Diving into Ruby’s #dup and #clone | AppSignal Blog
- What causes Ruby memory bloat? – Joyful Bikeshedding
- How to Create a Simple CRUD App with Rails and React · James Hibbard
- Understanding Database Sharding | DigitalOcean
- Ruby - rescue from errors with a grace
- iridakos - Creating a chat application from scratch using Rails and WebSockets
- Debugging in Ruby—Busting a Year-old Bug in Sprockets | Heroku
- Symbol in Ruby – rubycademy – Medium
- Filebin
- How to Deploy Rails to Production on Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver (Example) | GoRails
- Create your own React-Rails v4 project configured for amazing performance with code splitting…
- Фотографии Оксаны Долговой – 3 альбома
- grosser/safe_regexp: Ruby Regex Timeout / Backtracking Bomb Safety
- COI - Chat Over IMAP
- Cache-Control for Civilians – CSS Wizardry – CSS Architecture, Web Performance Optimisation, and more, by Harry Roberts
- Rails 6 shows routes in expanded format | BigBinary Blog
- How Ruby 2.6 allowed me to do another open source contribution - frontdeveloper.pl
- amatsuda/still_life: Rails upgrade’s best friend
- Exploring TracePoint in Ruby — Part One — Example Code
- Ruby’s Creed | Meta Redux
- ankane/strong_migrations: Catch unsafe migrations at dev time
- Onward - Harness AI and NLP
- Conveyor – A development workflow that keeps you in the zone
- Microsoft Design
- A4D
- Читать мангу онлайн Повседневная жизнь извращенки от переводчика Valkiren’s group. Глава 11 – MangaHub.ru
- igorkasyanchuk/rails_pdf: A reliable way to generate PDF of any complexity in Ruby on Rails apps
- Roll Your Own Analytics - PC Maffey
- Convert your jQuery snippet to a Stimulus controller • John Beatty
- How to Build a Dynamic Website Using Google Sheets and Sinatra
- New! Workflow Automation At Your Service With Trello’s Butler Power-Up
- Why I Write CSS in JavaScript
- Early Hints and HTTP/2 Push with Falcon
- Level | Bulma: Free, open source, & modern CSS framework based on Flexbox
- Rails 6 adds ActiveRecord::Relation#touch_all | BigBinary Blog
- rocketjob/semantic_logger: Semantic Logger is a feature rich logging framework, and replacement for existing Ruby & Rails loggers.
- Читать мангу онлайн Повседневная жизнь извращенки от переводчика Valkiren’s group. Глава 1 – MangaHub.ru
- Uptime Robot
- CultureHQ.com - A Better Workplace Community
- How I replaced a Rails app with a few dozen lines of Ruby - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
- FindTwin face search demo
- DmitryTsepelev/store_model: Gem for handling JSON-backed attributes as ActiveRecord models
- PostgreSQL Exercises
- Sourcehut’s spartan approach to web design | Drew DeVault’s Blog
- Firefox Lockbox
- Unraveling Classes, Instances and Metaclasses in Ruby | AppSignal Blog
- Secure Your Rails Staging Environment with HTTP Basic Authentication - Andy Croll
- Colormind - the AI powered color palette generator
- Daniel Branton
- Everything You Need to Know About I/O In Ruby - RubyGuides
- Rails 6 adds ActiveRecord::Relation#reselect | BigBinary Blog
- The Rails db:system:change command (Example) | GoRails
- Когда человек сломался — Наука на TJ
- enums/README.md at master · s6ruby/enums
- Exploring TracePoint in Ruby — Part Two — Events – Brandon Weaver – Medium
- Этот жест мне знаком
- ModInstaller file - Mod DB
- How I Used ActiveRecord#serialize with a Custom Data Type | Viget
- Exploiting Regular Expressions – Somdev Sangwan – Medium
- Ruby’s Many CLI Option Flags & How To Use Them - RubyGuides
- Introducing Percy’s free plan – Percy Blog
- Знакомство с lit-element и веб-компонентами на его основе / Хабр
- Rails 6 adds negative scopes for all enum values – Saeloun Blog
- Implementing Stripe Connect in Rails: Part 1 - The Lean Software Boutique
- Племя процветающих Волшебников
- Carve your controllers like Papa Carlo - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
- Rails 6 adds before? and after? methods to Date, DateTime, Time, and TimeWithZone. – Saeloun Blog
- GitHub - davydovanton/sidekiq-statistic: See statistic about your workers
- Старое меню Gambala.pro
- Tabulator
- How We Created a Multi-site Setup for a Vehicle Marketplace: Challenges, Solutions and Insights - Codica Blog
- Спарсить участников и дать таргет на мои курсы наставничества — Блог Эльгины Валеевой
- volt | fast native desktop client for all major messaging services
- brunofacca/active-record-query-trace: Rails plugin that logs/displays a backtrace of all SQL queries executed by Active Record
- karthikv/purview: A server-side component framework. What if your React components ran on the server-side?
- Inclusive Design Principles – Microsoft Design – Medium
- 7 reasons why learning SQL is still important for Rails developers | Everyday Rails
- Tips for making interactive elements accessible on mobile devices
- alvesjtiago/fastentry: Cache management for Rails
- https://ap78.ru
- Gracefully integrate Reactjs with Ruby on Rails in SaaS Applications
- Your migrations are bad and you should feel bad - djrobstep.com
- Sublime Text 3.2 - News - Sublime HQ
- GitNews | Trending repositories from GitHub, HackerNews & Reddit
- Questions for a new technology. | Kellan Elliott-McCrea
- Introducing Rich Text Formatting in Spark
- We Built a Collaborative Documentation Site. Deploy Your Own With the Push of a Button.
- Principled GraphQL
- Debugging Sidekiq Poison Pills
- dosco/super-graph: Super Graph - Instant GraphQL API for Rails. Zero code #GoLang
- bolshakov/fear: Ruby port of some Scala’s monads
- Timestamps and Time Zones in PostgreSQL · Philipe Fatio
- PeerJS - Simple peer-to-peer with WebRTC
- aaronmallen/activeinteractor: Ruby interactors based on ActiveModel inspired by interactor
- janlelis/object_shadow: The Shadow of a Ruby Object lets you See and Manipulate its Instance Variables and Methods
- viniciusoyama/component_party: Frontend components for Ruby on Rails: group your view logic, html and css files in components to be rendered from views or directly from controllers.
- 1 серия 1 сезона мультсериала — «Конь БоДжек» в озвучке от NewStudio | Конь БоДжек: История Коня БоДжека, Глава Один | Смотреть «Конь БоДжек» онла
- Technical Debt? Probably not.
- Политика конфиденциальности — Эльба
- 4 серия 1 сезона мультсериала — «Конь БоДжек» в озвучке от NewStudio | Зои и Зельды | Смотреть «Конь БоДжек» онлайн в HD качестве
- plentz/lol_dba: lol_dba is a small package of rake tasks that scan your application models and displays a list of columns that probably should be indexed. Also, it can generate .sql migration scripts.
- Replace chromedriver-helper with webdrivers (a public service announcement) | Everyday Rails
- Creating Ruby native extensions - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
- Faking Method Inputs with OpenStruct feat. Kerri Miller – avdi.codes
- Release 2.5.0 · reactjs/react-rails
- My Journey Discovering Design Patterns I Didn’t Even Know I Use
- scambra/devise_invitable: An invitation strategy for devise
- mudbugmedia/critical-path-css-rails: Only load the CSS you need for the initial viewport in Rails!
- inspec/inspec: InSpec: Auditing and Testing Framework
- joeyates/imap-backup: Backup GMail (or other IMAP) accounts to disk
- Индексы в PostgreSQL — 1 / Хабр
- Interesting Methods to Work with Ruby Hashes in A Better Way
- Читать мангу онлайн Повседневная жизнь извращенки от переводчика Valkiren’s group. Глава 34 – MangaHub.ru
- Undercover - Ruby gem for code coverage - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
- Action Mailbox — Explained. Why?How? When? – Sanjay Prajapati – Medium
- tomrothe.de - JSON dynamic attributes with Rails
- Responsible JavaScript: Part I – A List Apart
- GitHub - s6ruby/records: records gem / library - frozen / immutable structs with copy on updates
- File Upload with Box Using Ruby on Rails - BoTree Technologies
- Monkey Link - Interactive business Card
- Going deep on UUIDs and ULIDs - Honeybadger Developer Blog
- akarki15/dbdot: Generate DOT description for postgres db schema
- You Might Not Need Integration Tests - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
- Water.css
- Bulk insert support in Rails 6 | BigBinary Blog
- Parsing a DSL in Ruby in less that 30 LoC – Mehdi Farsi – Medium
- Processing text files in Ruby simultaneously – Jorge Manrubia
- Как создать тёмную тему и не навредить. Опыт команды Яндекс.Почты / Блог компании Яндекс / Хабр
- CSS masonry with flexbox, :nth-child(), and order | Tobias Ahlin
- github/opensource.guide: Community guides for open source creators
- 12 Tips For Managing a Remote Team (And Loving It) - Lean Startup Co.
- Programming: doing it more vs doing it better – Kevin Martin Jose
- ericdrowell/ElGrapho
- #NoNullPointers - Correctness — the paradigm for sustainable software development
- Rails 6 adds implicit_order_column | BigBinary Blog
- kekik/rails-pretty-logger
- Lynis - Security auditing tool for Linux, macOS, and Unix-based systems - CISOfy
- How to Design Perfect (Software) Products - Hintjens.com
- Where is the Animal Quarentine Station/Office in Suvarnabhumi Airport? - Suvarnabhumi Airport Forum - Thailand Visa Forum by Thai Visa | The Nation
- How to Export a Pet from Thailand @ BKK - Plants, Pets & Vets in Thailand - Thailand Visa Forum by Thai Visa | The Nation
- Approximating “Prettier for Ruby” with RuboCop – Flexport Engineering
- Optimizing Database Performance in Rails | Heroku
- ankane/searchkick: Intelligent search made easy with Rails and Elasticsearch
- Prevent Links in Text Fields to Foil Spammers - Andy Croll
- How to use Javascript via Webpacker in Rails 6 (Example) | GoRails
- Стена плоти/Тактика | Террария вики | FANDOM powered by Wikia
- Seth’s Blog
- ЛитРес: Самиздат — сайт для писателей. Опубликуйте свою книгу и получайте авторское вознаграждение с каждого проданного экземпляра.
- ghacksuserjs/ghacks-user.js: An ongoing comprehensive user.js template for configuring and hardening Firefox privacy, security and anti-fingerprinting
- Rails 6 adds ActiveRecord::Relation#extract_associated | BigBinary Blog
- FactoryBot Tips – Eric Anderson – Medium
- Rails 6 allows to override the ActiveModel::Errors#full_message format at the model level and at the attribute level | BigBinary Blog
- Сборка БЭМ-проекта при помощи Webpack / Хабр
- How to create better themes with CSS variables – LogRocket
- Art Direction For The Web Using CSS Shapes — Smashing Magazine
- Кем ты стал: Кейджи — российский физик, снимающий порно для США и Европы — Истории на TJ
- Nord
- Saved by the Schema: Using JSON Schema to Document, Test, and Debug APIs | Heroku
- Why we’re switching to calendar versioning | Cockroach Labs
- Build your own decorator pattern, 3 times faster than Draper
- Rails 6 allows configurable attribute name on has_secure_password | BigBinary Blog
- Active Storage meets GraphQL Pt. 2: Exposing attachment URLs - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
- How to Get a Progressive Web App into the Google Play Store | CSS-Tricks
- vakata/jstree: jquery tree plugin
- Experiments with Holacracy: Why we stopped doing it, and what we learned along the way.
- hintmedia/moderate_parameters: Moderate Parameters Gem
- JsTree — деревья это так просто / Хабр
- Начало бизнеса с нуля: инструкция опытного предпринимателя
- graphiti - Quickstart
- graphiti - Guides
- Boost Your Shell Scripting with Ruby and Rexe - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
- keithrbennett/rexe: A configurable Ruby command line filter/executor
- yegor256/iri: Simple Immutable Ruby URI builder
- piotrmurach/rspec-benchmark: Performance testing matchers for RSpec
- Ruby – Pattern Matching – Second Impressions - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
- Using streams to build read models | Arkency Blog
- stackshareio/graphql-cache: A caching plugin for graphql-ruby
- Why Every Element of SOLID is Wrong - Speaker Deck
- The Zen of Erlang
- манга
- Апокалипсис сегодня — КиноПоиск
- Svelte 3: Rethinking reactivity
- 339 bytes of responsive CSS · Gaurav Koley
- Markdeep
- Make your Google Fonts render faster · PerfPerfPerf
- The DesignBetter.Co library: now available for free download | Inside Design Blog
- medium.com
- Validate and Fix Ruby on Rails ActiveRecord PostgreSQL Data Integrity
- Modifying Authentication Behavior in Devise – Chelsea Troy
- Assigning methods to specific objects and not their classes in Ruby — Commerce Hack
- Screencast - Sublime Text Mouse-Free Development Advanced Productivity Tips
- mar10/fancytree: JavaScript tree view / tree grid plugin with support for keyboard, inline editing, filtering, checkboxes, drag’n’drop, and lazy loading
- mockit · An open source tool to mock endpoints
- When Postgres blocks: 7 tips for dealing with locks
- Rails 6 adds CPU time, idle time and allocations to ActiveSupport::Notifications::Event | BigBinary Blog
- Use pessimistic locking to make long running tasks in Rails free of race conditions | BetterDoc Product Development Blog
- Getting Ready for Rails 6.0: How to Dual Boot - Ruby on Rails Upgrades
- 4 amazing features of Ruby on Rails 6.0
- манга
- Grid или Flexbox? / Блог компании RUVDS.com / Хабр
- The Circle of a React Lifecycle | CSS-Tricks
- 7. 7 Создание комплекса неполноценности (Олег Новоселов) / Проза.ру
- CSS { In Real Life } | Debugging CSS Grid – Part 1: Understanding implicit tracks
- Notable ActiveRecord changes in Rails 6 - Part 1 - BoTree Technologies
- GraphQL. The Rails way – Povilas Jurčys – Medium
- Buck: A fast build tool
- Implementing authentication with Auth0 and Rails 6.
- Rails 6 adds parallel testing | BigBinary Blog
- The RSpec Style Guide: Reloaded | Meta Redux
- Never use the word “User” in your code
- Efficient algorithm to check dates overlap – Rails Guides
- How to Schedule Cron Jobs in Ruby With the Whenever Gem
- Procodile - A simple process manager for development and production
- ROM - rom 5.0.0 and rom-sql 3.0.0 released
- Tracking queue metrics with Sidekiq – Mário Nzualo
- Upgrade Rails From 5.2 to 6.0 - Ruby on Rails Upgrades
- GitHub - burrito-brothers/shiba: Catch bad SQL queries before they cause problems in production
- A Rails testing “hello world” using RSpec and Capybara - Code with Jason
- Ruby’s Hidden Gems: Delegator and Forwardable | AppSignal Blog
- Using custom objects in Ruby Ranges | Mesomorphic Ltd
- A simple guide to create an web app with React and Rails API | imadityang Blog
- Koan | Work With Purpose
- Introducing jQuery in Rails 6 Using Webpacker - BoTree Technologies
- GitHub - uber/cadence: Cadence is a distributed, scalable, durable, and highly available orchestration engine to execute asynchronous long-running business logic in a scalable and resilient way.
- A simple guide to create an web app with React and Rails API | imadityang Blog
- Can’t Git no Satisfaction: Why We Need a New-Gen Source Control
- A practical guide to small and easy-to-review pull requests
- How to download image files in Ruby - Twilio
- GitHub - github/scientist: A Ruby library for carefully refactoring critical paths.
- Using custom objects in Ruby Ranges | Mesomorphic Ltd
- thoughtbot/suspenders: A Rails template with our standard defaults, ready to deploy to Heroku.
- SaaS vs Open Core Software: An Introduction
- Rails Trace
- GitHub - casey/just: 🤖Just a command runner
- The Web Developer’s Guide to DNS | RJ Zaworski
- GitHub - Shopify/job-iteration: Makes your background jobs interruptible and resumable by design.
- Create An Array With A Single Hash Without The Curly Braces In Ruby
- pgdash.io
- Story of Mono’s journey from Monolith to Microservices using Service Mesh | {“title”: “Mathew’s Tech Thoughts…“}
- Nested Forms from Scratch with StimulusJS | Drifting Ruby
- GitHub - westonganger/sexy_form.rb: Dead simple HTML form field builder for Ruby with built-in support for many popular UI libraries such as Bootstrap
- GitHub - cometchat-pro-samples/ruby-on-rails-chat
- Understanding Rails Custom Validations – Abhinav Garg – Medium
- Add chat to your Ruby on Rails app - CometChat
- HNPWA With Rails + Stimulus.js • John Beatty
- Home | Luda - A lightweight and responsive UI framework for modern web development.
- Как оседлать радугу: история создания тёмной темы / Блог компании ВКонтакте / Хабр
- How to Create Temporary Files in Ruby - RubyGuides
- markets/sudo_rails: Sudo mode for your Rails controllers
- Breaking to a new row with flexbox | Tobias Ahlin
- Introducing
now dev
– Serverless, on localhost - ZEIT
- legit
- A Guide to Function Composition in Ruby - Ghost Cassette - Software Development Consultancy
- davidesantangelo/feedi: This service allows you to transform RSS feed into an awesome API.
- Up the Ancestor Chain with method_missing | AppSignal Blog
- How to test if ActiveJob job was enqueued in Rails RSpec
- Uppy 1.0: Your best friend in file uploading — Uppy
- muesli/beehive: A flexible event/agent & automation system with lots of bees 🐝
- Stop using so many divs! An intro to semantic HTML - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
- 5 things to consider when creating your CSS style guide
- Upgrading Rails apps with dual boot – O’Reilly Engineering – Medium
- grosser/soft_deletion: Explicit soft deletion for ActiveRecord via deleted_at and default scope
- rubysherpas/paranoia: acts_as_paranoid for Rails 3, 4 and 5
- Weird Ruby: Pure Object-Oriented Negation | Meta Redux
- Instrumenting Ruby on Rails with Prometheus | FireHydrant
- tmuxinator/tmuxinator: Manage complex tmux sessions easily
- First Aid git
- guillaumebriday/jsonapi-scopes: This gem allows you to filter and sort an ActiveRecord relation based on a request, following the JSON:API specification as closely as possible.
- djezzzl/factory_trace: Simple tool to maintain factories and traits from FactoryBot
- khiav223577/deep_pluck: Allow you to pluck attributes from nested associations without loading a bunch of records.
- lazaronixon/the_construct: A Modern Rails Template
- Approximating “Prettier for Ruby” with RuboCop – Flexport Engineering
- Post your examples or open source projects - Links - Stimulus Discourse
- Post your examples or open source projects - Links - Stimulus Discourse
- Stimulus.js Tutorials • John Beatty
- Stim Awesome
- Storeon: “Redux” in 173 bytes — Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog
- Image Optimization: Understanding the Exact Impact on Google’s Performance Score to Rank Higher
- $12 Hack To Boost Your Laptop Performance! - YouTube
- Купить Ноутбук MSI GS63VR 7RG(Stealth Pro 4K)-093RU, 9S7-16K312-093, черный по выгодной цене в интернет-магазине СИТИЛИНК - Уфа
- MANGO OFFICE - облачные сервисы | виртуальная АТС
- enriclluelles/route_translator: Translate your rails app route to various languages without the hassle
- A Simpler Rails Benchmark, Puma and Concurrency — Appfolio Engineering
- Rails 6 Upgrade Best Practices
- envato/zxcvbn-ruby: Ruby port of Dropbox’s zxcvbn javascript lib
- BurdetteLamar/minitest_log
- thoughtbot/high_voltage: Easily include static pages in your Rails app.
- muesli/service-tools: A growing collection of convenient little tools to work with systemd services
- Transactions
- 4 Lesser Known Ways to Use Ruby’s Enumerable Module - DZone Web Dev
- The Lifecycle of a Rails Request
- Разные исполнители - Anjunabeats In Ibiza 2017
- Shazam: алгоритмы распознавания музыки, сигнатуры, обработка данных / Блог компании Wunder Fund / Хабр
- Прокрастинация—следствие отсутствия контакта со своими эмоциями
- Learn to change history with git rebase!
- Weird Ruby: Positive and Negative Strings | Meta Redux
- Full Help
- HTTP headers for the responsible developer - Twilio
- CryptoKitties | Collect and breed digital cats!
- Пишем чистый и масштабируемый JavaScript-код: 12 советов / Блог компании RUVDS.com / Хабр
- Варок Саурфанг | WoWWiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia
- WildDuck Mail Server – Self hosted modern mail server
- Twilio Super SIM | Connect IoT devices to a global network of carriers using one powerful SIM card
- Gustavo Caso: Migrating millions of Redis keys without downtime
- Rails HTML Polling Without JavaScript – Nikola Đuza – Medium
- Rails 6 adds db:prepare rake task – Saeloun Blog
- How to use Vue.js in a Rails project with Turbolinks - cyrusstoller Tech Stack
- We Can Do Better Than SQL
- ProseMirror
- atlassian / atlaskit-mk-2 — Bitbucket
- Rails 6 adds if_not_exists option to create_table | BigBinary Blog
- A Modular RuboCop | Meta Redux
- Rails 6 deprecates update_attributes and update_attributes! – Saeloun Blog
- Three.js Fundamentals
- RailsConf & Balkan Ruby 2019: The Past, Present, and Future of Rails at GitHub - Speaker Deck
- Flexible data tables with CSS Grid
- The Complete Guide to Deep Work (including a step-by-step checklist)
- trusche/httplog: Log outgoing HTTP requests in ruby
- Watch Out For nil in Ranges - Andy Croll
- Weird Ruby: Single-quoted Heredocs | Meta Redux
- Implementing authentication with Auth0 and Rails 6.
- jellymann/mittsu: 3D Graphics Library for Ruby.
- ankane/eps: Machine learning for Ruby
- athityakumar/colorls: A Ruby gem that beautifies the terminal’s ls command, with color and font-awesome icons.
- Гибкие таблицы на CSS Grid / Хабр
- Telegram proxy SOCKS5
- Contribute to Rails 6! – Blog de Capsens
- Picking the right API Paradigm | APIs You Won’t Hate - A community that cares about API design and development.
- Visualizing Garbage Collection Algorithms
- Ruby mixins explained – WhatRAGHUlearned-Today
- Off the beaten path: Less well-known features of PostgreSQL
- Meet the Flexbox Inspector | Geddski
- imfunniee/gitfolio: personal website + blog for every github user
- Making the Move from jQuery to Vue | CSS-Tricks
- Yes, Rails does support Progressive Web Apps • John Beatty
- Шесть признаков, что с партнером пора прощаться
- Emojim
- Currency Input Masking with Cleave.js and Money gem in Ruby On Rails
- Redirecting to static webpacker Content With Rails • Mike Wilson
- igorkasyanchuk/awesome_back_url: Redirect the user to the proper “back” page
- GoogleChromeLabs/comlink: Comlink makes WebWorkers enjoyable.
- xinminlabs/rubocop-config-prettier: Turns off all rules that are unnecessary or might conflict with prettier plugin ruby
- Каково это – пережить 200 укусов и 700 инъекций смертельного змеиного яда — Истории на TJ
- jlevy/the-art-of-command-line: Master the command line, in one page
- From capybara-webkit to Headless Chrome and ChromeDriver
- Understanding Ruby: String Encoding, ASCII & Unicode - RubyGuides
- Faster smarter JavaScript debugging in Firefox DevTools - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
- andrewchambers/janetsh: A powerful new shell that uses the janet programming language for both the implementation and repl.
- Stupid git tricks: Combining two files into one while preserving line history | The Old New Thing
- A Tale of Query Optimization
- How to do hard things | David R. MacIver
- RailsConf 2019 - YouTube
- Tests that sometimes fail
- RailsConf 2019 - The Elusive Attribute by Chris Salzberg - YouTube
- vcr/vcr: Record your test suite’s HTTP interactions and replay them during future test runs for fast, deterministic, accurate tests.
- Eileen M. Uchitelle: Upgrading Ruby on Rails At Github And How To Stay Updated | Maintainable
- Measuring Rails Overhead — Appfolio Engineering
- Google Sheets and Ruby - YouTube
- 4 lesser known ways to use Ruby’s Enumerable module - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
- Inside Enumeration in Ruby | AppSignal Blog
- Managing multiple databases in Rails 6
- RailsConf 2019 - Performance Improvement of Ruby 2.7 JIT in Real World by Takashi Kokubun - YouTube
- yoshoku/rumale: Rumale is a machine learning library in Ruby
- ankane/chartkick: Create beautiful JavaScript charts with one line of Ruby
- leandromoreira/redlock-rb: Redlock is a redis-based distributed lock implementation in Ruby
- piotrmurach/tty-spinner: A terminal spinner for tasks that have non-deterministic time frame.
- Use ActiveSupport’s #present? sparingly.
- How to implement backpressure and load shedding? – Mário Nzualo
- Custom multiline text underline with rounded caps
- Блог сурового челябинского программиста: Несколько слов в защиту шаблона “Анемичная модель предметной области” (Anemic Domain Model)
- [Перевод] Анемичная модель предметной области — не анти-шаблон, а архитектура по принципам SOLID / Хабр
- In your opinion who is the sexiest nsfw reddit user and why? : AskRedditAfterDark
- Measuring Rails Overhead — Appfolio Engineering
- b - a hidden method from Ruby string class · Prathamesh Sonpatki
- More productive Git – Increment: Open Source
- Peltoche/lsd: The next gen ls command
- Self-Host Your Static Assets – CSS Wizardry – CSS Architecture, Web Performance Optimisation, and more, by Harry Roberts
- ianstormtaylor/slate: A completely customizable framework for building rich text editors.
- scrumpy/tiptap: A rich-text editor for Vue.js
- Krisp | Noise Cancelling App
- pirate/wireguard-docs: The Missing WireGuard Documentation: Setup, Usage, Configuration, and a full example for server-to-server VPN with roaming clients & public peers.
- GDPR After One Year: Costs and Unintended Consequences - Truth on the Market Truth on the Market
- Rails 6 boot sequence – Blog de Capsens
- Deployment Pipeline Design and The Theory Of Constraints – Continuous Delivery Consulting
- briandunn/flatware: A parallel test runner for RSpec and Cucumber with pretty output
- yuki24/rambulance: Simple and safe way to dynamically render error pages or JSON responses for Rails apps
- bblimke/webmock: Library for stubbing and setting expectations on HTTP requests in Ruby.
- afair/postgresql_cursor: ActiveRecord PostgreSQL Adapter extension for using a cursor to return a large result set
- dry-rb 1.0: upgrading validations, types and schemas - Igor writing about things
- Ruby on Rails - Bounded contexts via interface objects
- Enhanced Shell Scripting with Ruby | DevDungeon
- Don’t Email From Active Record Callbacks - Andy Croll
- discourse/onebox: A gem for turning URLs into website previews
- GraphQL on Rails: from zero to the first query — Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog
- (1) «Никто не даст стать таким же успешным, как Facebook»: основатель аmoCRM о бизнесе в США, растущих рынках и инвестициях — Личный опыт на vc.ru
- Ruby 2.7 adds Enumerable#filter_map – Saeloun Blog
- Redirecting to static webpacker Content With Rails • Mike Wilson
- Currency Input Masking with Cleave.js and Money gem in Ruby On Rails
- Luna
- Функциональная архитектура — это порты и адаптеры / Блог компании JUG.ru Group / Хабр
- Глубокое обучение: разбираемся со свертками – Bohdan Balov – Medium
- UDS - программа лояльности для бизнеса
- Hybrid Lazy Loading: A Progressive Migration To Native Lazy Loading — Smashing Magazine
- Где найти всех учителей (тренеров) в Elex - GuidesGame
- Anything new Rails 6? - Speaker Deck
- pizdata.is
- Элекс - Прокачка | World of Players RU
- Блог Павла Наконечного | Cookies, sessionStorage, localStorage: В чем разница
- Introducing the new Mailgun - YouTube
- Dashboard: Overview - Mailgun
- Introduce support for ActionView::Component by joelhawksley · Pull Request #36388 · rails/rails
- RailsConf 2019 - Rethinking the View Layer with Components by Joel Hawksley - YouTube
- Эхо Канн: 27 фильмов, которые мы будем смотреть весь следующий год | Salt
- adzap/validates_timeliness: Date and time validation plugin for ActiveModel and Rails. Supports multiple ORMs and allows custom date/time formats.
- Rails 5 Active Record attributes API | BigBinary Blog
- Azdaroth/active_model_attributes: ActiveRecord-like Attributes API for ActiveModel
- edisonywh/behaves: Define behaviors and contracts between your code.
- An overview of Redis::Distributed – Redis client side partitioning in Ruby – Mário Nzualo
- Weird Ruby: Zeroing in on a Couple of Numeric Predicates | Meta Redux
- Stimulus and RxJS for an SPA Like Experience • Mike Wilson
- The Ruby Style Guide
- How I Kept My Solo Project Going Over 3 Years – Dev as Life
- How I’ve Attracted The First 500 Paid Users For My SaaS That Costs $5/mo
- CSS Grid: No Nonsense Layouts | TestDriven.io
- Create Your Job Winning Resume · Resume.io
- Why I No Longer Use MVC Frameworks
- Andrzej on Software: Rails is not MVC
- Redis: under the hood
- More Redis internals: Tracing a GET & SET · Paul Smith
- Ent Rate Limiting · mperham/sidekiq Wiki
- Основы реляционных баз данных - Онлайн-курсы по программированию - Hexlet
- Чтение манги Х-кампус глава 1 [Страница 2]
- The Layout Instability API | web.dev
- Why, How, and When to Use Semantic HTML and ARIA | CSS-Tricks
- Termius
- Why we tore up our terms and conditions
- PauLoX – Upgrading PostgreSQL from version 10 to 11 on Ubuntu 19.04 (Disco Dingo)
- Rails 6 adds Enumerable#index_with | BigBinary Blog
- Управление доменами – Инструменты Postmaster Tools
- Ruby Processes and Threads - Configuring a Web Server
- Scaling Your Ruby Service Objects with LightService
- adomokos/light-service: Series of Actions with an emphasis on simplicity.
- A repeatable, step-by-step process for writing Rails integration tests with Capybara - Code with Jason
- A Rails middleware to change the log level at runtime
- The difference between RSpec, Capybara and Cucumber - Code with Jason
- How I test JavaScript-heavy Rails applications - Code with Jason
- adzap/timeliness: Fast date/time parsing for the control freak.
- infinum/phrasing: Edit phrases inline for your Ruby on Rails applications!
- jorgemanrubia/impersonator: Ruby library to record and replay object interactions
- ankane/authtrail: Track Devise login activity
- Optimizing Google Fonts Performance — Smashing Magazine
- Color Designer - Simple Color Palette Generator
- Remove Background from Image – remove.bg
- Блог Павла Наконечного | Советы по улучшению условий в JavaScript
- Refactoring (the way we talk about) CSS
- Rails Request Lifecycle…
- vinistock/correspondent: Dead simple configurable user notifications with little overhead
- Understanding Array.prototype.flatMap - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
- Что такое DNS – Hexlet Guides
- Less known changes in Ruby 2.7 – Source Diving
- Sorbetting a gem, or the story of the first adoption - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
- Rails 6 adds support for Multi Environment credentials | BigBinary Blog
- Examples of pointless types of RSpec tests - Code with Jason
- Danger on Rails: make robots do some code review for you! - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
- Dmitry Ishkov: Ruby on Rails optimization techniques
- Rails 6 adds before? and after? to Date and Time | BigBinary Blog
- leejarvis/slop: Simple Lightweight Option Parsing
- fetlife/scallop: Ergonomic shell wrapper for Ruby.
- alassek/activerecord-pg_enum: Integrate PostgreSQL’s enumerated types with the Rails enum feature
- The Secret of Good Electron Apps
- GraphQL - The Pros and the Cons - Ednsquare
- lob/pg_insights: Convenient SQL for monitoring Postgres database health.
- GIS on Rails – Siva Gollapalli – Medium
- Дождитесь проверки запроса и установите сертификат
- Конспект книги Марка Форстера «Сделай это завтра» — Личный опыт на vc.ru
- kickstarter/event-sourcing-rails-todo-app-demo: A demo app to illustrate Kickstarter’s Event Sourcing experiment
- RailsConf 2019 - Event Sourcing made Simple by Philippe Creux - YouTube
- 10 PostCSS плагинов, которые сэкономят время вашему верстальщику / Хабр
- Почему мы предпочитаем CSS(—variable) переменным SASS($variable)? / Хабр
- How to Section Your HTML | CSS-Tricks
- [MC-47699] Blazes are able to see a player through blocks - Jira
- Как мы подружили SCSS с CSS Variables на примере c темизацией UI Kit / Блог компании Skyeng / Хабр
- Производительность анимаций на сайтах / Хабр
- Deploy AnyCable with Capistrano and systemd – JetRockets
- How to test Ruby methods that involve puts or gets - Code with Jason
- Rails 6 adds hooks to Active Job around retries and discards | BigBinary Blog
- Rails 6 errors: the good, the bad, the ugly – avdi.codes
- zverok/time_calc: Simple time arithmetics in a modern, readable, idiomatic, no-”magic” Ruby.
- strong_password v0.0.7 rubygem hijacked
- styd/apexcharts.rb: Beautiful, interactive, and responsive web charts for your ruby app powered by apexcharts.js.
- Exposing the design pattern at the heart of Rack Middleware
- 10 tips to help using the VCR gem in your Ruby test suite | fabioperrella.github.io
- Hey advertisers, track THIS | The Firefox Frontier
- Hypothetical Indexes in PostgreSQL - Percona Database Performance Blog
- CSS Scan 2.0 - The fastest and easiest way to inspect or copy CSS ⚡️ | Product Hunt
- Introduce support for ActionView::Component by joelhawksley · Pull Request #36388 · rails/rails
- Scalable architecture without magic (and how to build it if you’re not Google) - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
- When SQL Isn’t the Right Answer - Better Programming - Medium
- Should We Create a Shared Service? A Decision-making Checklist
- Flexible data table with CSS Grid (resizable columns with good UX)
- The Safest Way to Constantize…
- tom-lord/regexp-examples: Generate strings that match a given regular expression
- GraphQL on Rails: On the way to perfection — Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog
- Goodbye ActiveRecord! - Inside Aircall - Medium
- How We Migrated To Turbolinks Without Breaking Javascript - Honeybadger Developer Blog
- Using strftime in a Rails view is probably a mistake - Andy Croll
- Adding devise_token_auth to an existing Rails app – WhatRAGHUlearned-Today
- Rails 6 adds ActiveRecord::Relation#annotate | BigBinary Blog
- rossta/montrose: Recurring events library for Ruby
- solnic/transproc: Transform Ruby objects in functional style
- omise/bluepine: A DSL for defining API schemas/endpoints, validating, serializing and generating Open API v3
- Schema Evolution and Compatibility — Confluent Platform
- На грани — смотреть онлайн — КиноПоиск
- Инклюзивные компоненты: тултипы и тоглтипы - Web Standards - Medium
- «Исправление» списков - Web Standards - Medium
- Practical Tools [1.14.4] / Моды для Майнкрафт / Minecraft Inside
- Пишем безопасное браузерное расширение / Блог компании Waves / Хабр
- Ответственный подход к JavaScript-разработке, часть 1 / Блог компании RUVDS.com / Хабр
- Ответственный подход к JavaScript-разработке, часть 2 / Блог компании RUVDS.com / Хабр
- collectiveidea/audited: Audited (formerly acts_as_audited) is an ORM extension that logs all changes to your Rails models.
- kirillshevch/query_track: Finding time-consuming database queries for ActiveRecord-based Rails Apps
- Fetching millions of rows from PostgreSQL with Rails
- Reading Ruby Metaprogramming inside Devise — Saturn Flyer
- Where Does Rails Spend Its Time? — Appfolio Engineering
- piotrmurach/tty-logger: A readable, structured and beautiful logging for the terminal
- yolk/valvat: Validates european vat numbers. Standalone or as a ActiveModel validator.
- Relearn CSS layout: Every Layout
- Deployment Sidekiq — ВАЖНО ЗНАТЬ
- R/m Design Almanac — Анимация — Джон Шлеммер — R/m Design Almanac
- Dynamic SVG Animation with CSS Variables | Lisi Linhart
- Illustrations | unDraw
- Your first performance budget with Lighthouse
- Cheat sheet for moving from jQuery to vanilla JavaScript | Tobias Ahlin
- UI Movement - The best UI design inspiration, every day
- Ruby on Rails on Windows is not just possible, it’s fabulous using WSL2 and VS Code - Scott Hanselman
- Consider Value Objects - Andy Croll
- Rails 6 adds support for Optimizer Hints | BigBinary Blog
- Migrate tags in Rails to PostgreSQL array from ActsAsTaggableOn – Today I Learned
- Rails 5: Getting Started with Active Storage - Bendyworks
- 3 Defensive Programming Techniques for Rails | FireHydrant
- Ruby’s Array() and Array.wrap (Example) | GoRails
- digital-fabric/affect: Algebraic effects for Ruby
- Algebraic Effects for the Rest of Us — Overreacted
- Mossmouth
- SVG в реальной жизни. Доклад Яндекса / Блог компании Яндекс / Хабр
- Zdog · Round, flat, designer-friendly pseudo-3D engine for canvas and SVG
- Особенности атрибута inputmode для мобильных ОС и браузеров / Хабр
- CSS { In Real Life } | How Git Stash Can Help You Juggle Multiple Branches
- Freika/awesome_finances: Избранные закладки по личным финансам и инвестированию
- Современный учебник JavaScript
- Особенности Google PageSpeed: улучшение оценки сайта и его рейтинга в поиске / Блог компании RUVDS.com / Хабр
- Atlaskit by Atlassian
- undefined reference
- Graphical User Interfaces for Git | CSS-Tricks
- The CSS Mindset | Max Böck - Frontend Web Developer
- interagent/committee: A collection of Rack middleware to support JSON Schema.
- ciao | Brot & Games
- Recyclable cache keys in Rails | BigBinary Blog
- Disassembling Rails — How does ActionText deal with file upload?
- Runbook: A Ruby DSL for Gradual System Automation - Braintree Product and Technology - Medium
- stitchfix/stitches: Create a Microservice in Rails with minimal ceremony
- Coupling Criteria · ServiceCutter/ServiceCutter Wiki
- Chaos Engineering: искусство умышленного разрушения / Блог компании Флант / Хабр
- dastergon/awesome-chaos-engineering: A curated list of Chaos Engineering resources.
- Largest Contentful Paint | web.dev
- Стиль мышления CSS - Web Standards - Medium
- Пользовательские CSS-атрибуты как механизм передачи данных из JavaScript в CSS — CSS-LIVE
- Introduction · OWASP Cheat Sheet Series
- https://alert-refactor.netlify.com
- Styling File Inputs — The Best Way (accessible & semantic) | Ben Marshall
- Isometric | Download free isometric illustrations
- Без ТЗ - BezTZ.net
- Breaking apart inheritable mattr_accessors in HTTParty | Write-only tech blog
- Advanced multi-db techniques in Rails 6
- Architecting a Roles & Permissions System Using Rails, GraphQL & React - atrium
- Apparition Gem | TheGolfMentor
- How old are dependencies in your (ruby) project? - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
- Updating Rails: where’s a memcache gone? · The Thoughtnotes
- sport.db/alphabets/benchmark at master · sportdb/sport.db
- Clamp for min/max values - Andy Croll
- 5by5 | Ruby on Rails Podcast #282: Rails on Windows is Fabulous with Scott Hanselman
- Magic comments in Ruby - Mehdi Farsi - Medium
- jkeen/comma_splice: Fixes CSVs with unquoted commas in values
- How to Correct 32,000 Incorrect CSV Files in Fewer Than 32,000 Steps
- Образовательный марафон — олимпиады, конкурсы, викторины
- Продуктовый дизайн и проектирование интерфейсов | UXPUB
- Illustrator User Guide
- RailsConf 2018: Access Denied: the missing guide to authorization in Rails by Vladimir Dementyev - YouTube
- Exposing permissions in GraphQL APIs with Action Policy — Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog
- Action Policy: authorization framework for Ruby/Rails applications
- 5 tips for dealing with heavy ActiveRecord dashboards in Rails — Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog
- PostgreSQL and Rails, sitting in a tree — Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog
- Handling errors in a non-geek interface — Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog
- Fighting the Hydra of N+1 queries — Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog
- Factories or fixtures? Give me both! — Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog
- Size Limit: Make the Web lighter — Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog
- imgproxy: Resize your images instantly and securely — Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog
- Spend less on Google Translate — Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog
- Evil Front Part 1: Modern Front-end in Rails — Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog
- Evil Front Part 2: Modern Front-end in Rails — Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog
- Evil Front Part 3: Modern Front-end in Rails — Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog
- Rails 5.2: Active Storage and beyond — Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog
- Rails’ after_commit everywhere — Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog
- Clowne: Clone Ruby models with a smile — Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog
- Speaking with an accent — Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog
- Scroll to the future — Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog
- Is React Native podium-ready? — Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog
- Living in sin (with Spring) — Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog
- The silence of the Ruby exceptions: a Rails/PostgreSQL database transaction thriller — Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog
- Learning how to learn deep learning — Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog
- Anonymous web authentication with Stellar blockchain — Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog
- Crafting user notifications in Rails with Active Delivery — Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog
- Carve your controllers like Papa Carlo — Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog
- Wrapping JSON-based ActiveRecord attributes with classes — Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog
- Faster WebGL/Three.js 3D graphics with OffscreenCanvas and Web Workers — Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog
- Rails 6: B-Sides and Rarities — Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog
- A fixture-based approach to interface testing in Rails — Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog
- GraphQL on Rails: From zero to the first query — Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog
- GraphQL on Rails: Updating the data — Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog
- Normalization, consistency, and Clowne — Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog
- Gem Check — Writing Better Ruby Gems Checklist
- Lefthook: Knock your team’s code back into shape — Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog
- Lefthook, Crystalball, and git magic for smooth development experience — Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog
- Exception notification
- Introduction to Svelte
- Как подружить дизайнера, верстальщика и «Фигму» с помощью дизайн-системы, ломика и какой-то матери™ / Хабр
- Rails 6.0: Action Mailbox, Action Text, Multiple DBs, Parallel Testing, Webpacker by default, and Zeitwerk | Riding Rails
- Introducing Action Mailbox for Rails 6 | Riding Rails
- Introducing Action Text for Rails 6 | Riding Rails
- Zeitwerk: A new code loader for Ruby - Xavier Noria - Medium
- Rails 6 adds Array#extract! | BigBinary Blog
- Highlights from Git 2.23 - The GitHub Blog
- A Ruby Gem Debugging Strategy | Super Good Software
- Fail Fast and Fail Often: Handling API Errors at Scale | Blog | Monolist
- Active Storage File Upload Behind The Scenes - Ruby Inside - Medium
- Methods vs constants for static values in Ruby · Kir Shatrov
- rails-admin-tb.herokuapp.com/admin/comment
- edisonywh/rocketman: Rocketman help build event-based/pub-sub code in Ruby
- jasonfb/nonschema_migrations: Separate schema from data migrations in your Rails apps
- textacular/textacular: Textacular exposes full text search capabilities from PostgreSQL, and allows you to declare full text indexes. Textacularwill extend ActiveRecord with named_scope methods making searching easy and fun!
- Ori DE Randomizer 3.3.0
- Game 1902
- (504) Pinterest
- mssg.me
- Taplink — Мультиссылка в Instagram
- Monkey Link - Interactive business Card
- faker-ruby/faker: A library for generating fake data such as names, addresses, and phone numbers.
- Understanding Webpacker in Rails 6 | Road to Rails 6
- Ruby double splat (**) operator cheatsheet – Today I Learned
- How to store large JSON in PostgreSQL with Rails Attributes API – Today I Learned
- What is Module Autoloading in Ruby? - RubyGuides
- qpowell/google_places: A Ruby wrapper around the Google Places API
- Starship
- Customisable email templates in Rails made easy using panoramic and liquid-rails
- Google Is Tightening Its Grip on Your Website - OneZero
- Documenting Software Architecture – @herbertograca
- Good Database Design Starts Here - Towards Data Science
- How can I be added as a maker? | Product Hunt Help Center
- How to post a product | Product Hunt Help Center
- Design Starter Kit Preview
- Встречаем сервис от Cloudflare на адресах и, или «полку публичных DNS прибыло!» / Хабр
- GetStream/awesome-saas-services: A curated list of the best in class SaaS services for developers and business owners.
- Купить Apple MacBook Pro 15” 8C i9 2,4 ГГц, 32 ГБ, 1 ТБ SSD, RPro Vega 20, «серый космос»— цена, описание в каталоге Сети фирменных магазинов re:Store -Ростов-на-Дону
- CSS Gap creates a bright future for margins in Flex as well as Grid - bryanlrobinson.com
- Control - Control
- Metro Exodus - Метро: Исход
- Welcome to Sidekiq 6.0
- DNS rebinding attacks protection in Rails 6
- Ruby 2.7 adds FrozenError#receiver – Saeloun Blog
- route/ferrum: Ruby Chrome/Chromium driver
- Upcoming Features in Shrine 3.0 | Janko’s Blog
- jdaviderb/youtube-audio: extract videos from youtube in audio format using webscraping techniques
- Scope Gates in Ruby: Part II - rubycademy - Medium
- In praise of property-based testing – Increment: Testing
- Intro to Property-Based Testing - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
- rantly-rb/rantly: Ruby Imperative Random Data Generator and Quickcheck
- typesigs/awesome-types: A collection about all things types, type signatures / annotations and more for ruby - incl. bool, bytes, buffer, enum, flag, record, data and more
- JavaScript Design Patterns - YouTube
- Hello darkness, my old friend | web.dev
- Тинькофф Оплата. Интернет-эквайринг от Тинькофф Банка
- Что купить
- Робот-советник — Тинькофф Помощь
- 42 performance tips for Ruby on Rails - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
- Top 10 errors from 1000+ Ruby on Rails projects (and how to avoid them) - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
- 10 Tips For Debugging in Production - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
- Smarter Rails Services with Active Model Modules - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
- 32 most popular Rails repositories on GitHub in July 2019 - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
- SVG Properties and CSS | CSS-Tricks
- How Web Content Can Affect Power Usage | WebKit
- Time to First Byte: What It Is and Why It Matters – CSS Wizardry – CSS Architecture, Web Performance Optimisation, and more, by Harry Roberts
- Real Estate of Nizhny Novgorod / Недвижимость on Behance
- Running GitHub on Rails 6.0 - The GitHub Blog
- Making friends with RuboCop
- Use a custom validator - Andy Croll
- Understanding The Ruby Next & Break Keywords - RubyGuides
- grosser/maxitest: Minitest + all the features you always wanted.
- kpumuk/meta-tags: Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for Ruby on Rails applications.
- Developing a Robust Font Loading Strategy for CSS-Tricks—zachleat.com
- /tv/ - RETRO TOONS - Television & Film - 4chan
- Ant Design - The world’s second most popular React UI framework
- Ledger Nano X - Secure your crypto | Ledger
- Extraordinary Free Stock Footage & HD Video Clips - Mixkit
- ГенийPlus - Центр развития счастливого ребенка on Behance
- Track a letter or Colissimo/Chronopost express delivery - La Poste
- Whoosh – Illustration Kit
- ГенийPlus - Центр развития счастливого ребенка on Behance
- Mailmeteor - mail merge for Gmail
- WebGPU and WSL in Safari | WebKit
- ВК, биткоин и крипта, хорошо пишет
- 100,000 AI-Generated Faces – Free to use!
- Jagged Little Pill: Issues with Rounded Buttons - Cloud Four
- Автоворонки продаж и рассылки в мессенджерах | WhatsHelp.ru
- Выбираем брокера 101 - Google Slides
- Ипотека FZ - Google Slides
- Superhuman
- Superhuman finds the perfect solution to ship software faster - Semaphore
- 7 Best Ruby Gems Most People Haven’t Heard About - RubyGuides
- Creating multiple models with form objects in Rails. – JohnMaddux.com
- Rails 6 adds dig method to ActionDispatch::Request::Session – Saeloun Blog
- whomwah/rqrcode: A Ruby library that encodes QR Codes
- panthomakos/timezone: Accurate current and historical timezones for Ruby with support for Geonames and Google latitude - longitude lookups.
- Abbey Tanis Intimate Nude Sex The Fappening 2019 Leaked Pictures – The Fappening Stars
- Snippet List - 30 seconds of CSS
- Фриланс биржа FixGigs | Магазин услуг фрилансеров по цене от 400₽
- Data Grid · Overview · Essential JS 2 · Syncfusion
- ViKey Zen - Интернет-магазин Chrome
- Скрипты, модули и библиотеки - Блог - Hexlet
- Сохраняем данные формы на сайте при перезагрузке страницы, с помощью JavaScript и sessionStorage
- Kirill Mokevnin - Пользователи - Hexlet
- Замыкающие запятые (Trailing Commas) в JavaScript ES 2017
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- Two Browsers Walked Into a Scrollbar | Filament Group, Inc.
- Получение кредитной истории | Mom’s spaghetti
- /css2 announcement demo
- Полное руководство по отзывчивым изображениям! - Workafrolic (±∞) - Medium
- Как правильно “делать” семантику - Veronika - Medium
- История одной анимации / Блог компании Конференции Олега Бунина (Онтико) / Хабр
- Chaining styles with a JavaScript Proxy | Tobias Ahlin
- Smarter custom properties with Houdini’s new API | web.dev
- Folding the DOM - Josh W. Comeau’s Blog
- Rebuilding Git in Ruby
- Homepage | Amplitude
- Какие обязанности нельзя делегировать своим подчиненным?
- enkessler/childprocess: Cross-platform Ruby library for managing child processes.
- Ruby Templating: Baking an Interpreter | AppSignal Blog
- Behind-the-scenes of ‘Geared Pagination’ in Rails - Liroy Leshed - Medium
- Ruby 2.7 adds Integer#[] to support range values – Saeloun Blog
- For organizing Rails projects, domain objects are good and service objects are bad - Code with Jason
- Fail Fast and Fail Often: Handling API Errors at Scale - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
- Matomo: #1 Secure Open Web Analytics Platform
- Какими банковскими картами я пользуюсь | Mom’s spaghetti
- Инклюзивные компоненты: интерфейсы со вкладками - Web Standards - Medium
- Где и как использовать мультиколонки (CSS Columns) / Хабр
- 6nomads
- Активация аккаунтов через SMS для любых сервисов
- Главная | VERIF.io
- Онлайн-консультация врача — задать вопрос доктору в Яндекс Здоровье
- Куда ведёт Путь воина — Истории на TJ
- Getting to the bottom of line height in Figma
- Keeping it simple with CSS that scales - Andy Bell
- Animated Icons - 200 Free Icons
- Download free icons, music, stock photos, vectors
- Найди ментора или стань ментором сам — проект выпускников МГУ
- peek/peek: Take a peek into your Rails applications.
- HexaPDF - Home
- peterc/testrocket: Super simple Ruby testing library
- How to Use The Ruby Ternary Operator (?:) - RubyGuides
- Rails 6 adds ActiveSupport::ActionableError | BigBinary Blog
- Mastering Packs in Webpacker
- Sharing Query Logic Within ActiveRecord Models
- The command center for engineers | Monolist
- What’s new in Interactive Ruby Shell (IRB) with Ruby 2.7 – Saeloun Blog
- dry-rb - Introducing dry-effects
- Performance metrics for blazingly fast web apps - Superhuman
- Day Two Problems When Using CQRS and Event Sourcing
- Understanding Zeitwerk in Rails 6 - Cedarcode - Medium
- Как сервера договариваются друг с другом: алгоритм распределённого консенсуса Raft / Блог компании Dodo Pizza Engineering / Хабр
- Интерфейсы без шелухи: помогаем интерфейсам стать человечнее
- HTML5 Cross Browser Polyfills · Modernizr/Modernizr Wiki
- Проблемы с подсказками (tooltips), как их разрешить | UXPUB
- rstacruz/details-polyfill: Polyfill for the HTML5
element, no dependencies
- The 7 Best Places to Buy Bitcoin of 2019
- Dark Mode Support in WebKit | WebKit
- Images done right: Web graphics, good to the last byte — Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog
- Keeping OSS documentation in check with docsify, Lefthook, and friends — Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog
- Drag-&-Drop компоненты для слепых пользователей? Вы шутите? / Блог компании Конференции Олега Бунина (Онтико) / Хабр
- [Level] The World’s Biggest Hexcells Puzzle (Hard) : hexcellslevels
- Extract critical CSS | web.dev
- Извлекаем критический CSS - Web Standards - Medium
- Dynamic CSS Components Without JavaScript: Every Layout
- Войти в Айти
- A Modern CSS Reset - Andy Bell
- Indicating focus to improve accessibility - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
- Enhancing The Clickable Area Size
- Чтение манги Пансион «Хахрис» глава 15 [Страница 1]
- Release Preact X - Virtuous DOM and the Fragments of Suspense · preactjs/preact
- The Module System is Launched « Sass Blog
- Risen 3: Titan Lords - Основы прокачки героя
- Risen 3: Titan Lords: Советы выживания в игре - Читы - чит коды, nocd, nodvd, трейнер, crack, сохранения, совет, скачать бесплатно
- Уникальное оружие Risen 3: Titan Lords
- Ruby on Rails Tips and Tricks | Drifting Ruby
- The Minitest Style Guide
- Ruby 2.7 deprecates automatic conversion from a hash to keyword arguments – Saeloun Blog
- RuboCop Meets Minitest | Meta Redux
- Delightful Goodbyes: Fully Deleting User Data | Blog | Monolist
- Save your links from phishers. – Today I Learned
- Ruby Software Complexity Metrics (Part One: Prerequisites — Abstract Syntactic Representation)
- Ruby Software Complexity Metrics (Part Two: Calculations — Pseudocode and Examples)
- Ruby Software Complexity Metrics (Part three: Interdependence — Mathematical Analysis)
- App | SMMplanner
- Аналоги сервиса Amplifr
- PublBox
- Stepsister Pocket Pussy Practice - Family Porn HD
- Показывает, в какое время оптимально выводить посты на реддит Post Inspect
- Список тулзов, полезных стартаперу одиночке (мне) A curated directory of resources, tools & hacks for non-techs
- Еще одни бесплатные SVG-шки Free Illustrations [Free SVG Images] MIT licensed Vectors
- Норм фотки Free stock photos · Pexels
- Про веб-воркеры. Красивая верстка When should you be using Web Workers? — DasSur.ma
- Скупка бытовой техники в Ростове-на-Дону, вывоз и утилизация
- Аккордеон, faq, спойлер и другие раскрывающиеся виджеты / Хабр
- Профилируем загрузку Хабра или как влияют 189 запросов на рендер страницы / Хабр
- Инклюзивные компоненты: интерфейсы со вкладками - Web Standards - Medium
- Школа английского языка - индивидуальное изучение английского в школе Skyeng
- Готика 3. Карта мира
- Готика 3. Карта сундуков
- Готика 3. Прохождение
- Fun with each_with_object and other Enumerator adventures
- Ruby Lazy Enumerators – Saeloun Blog
- Rails 6.0 new framework defaults: what they do and how to safely uncomment them
- Please Don’t Write Clever Code
- Loading Additional Ruby Gems in Development · Philipe Fatio
- How Ruby Can Surprise You | Showmax Engineering
- Use Active Support in Rails for deprecation messages - Andy Croll
- Rails 6 adds tools for Action Cable testing. – Saeloun Blog
- DragonRuby/command_line: An easier way execute command line applications and get all of the output.
- bia-technologies/lowkiq: Ordered background jobs processing
- What Are Rails Parameters & How to Use Them Correctly - RubyGuides
- InviteBot
- Beyond automatic accessibility testing: 6 things I check on every website I build - Manuel Matuzović
- Полезные материалы для маркетологов — Маркетинг на vc.ru
- Simple Typing Carousel
- Moving Letters | Text animated with JavaScript & anime.js
- Tobias Ahlin
- Voca: The JavaScript string library
- Designing accessible color systems
- Style hover, focus, and active states differently | Zell Liew
- The Pattern Library
- Material Design Color Palette Generator - Material Palette
- Инструкции по InviteBot
- Асинхронное общение — вот настоящая причина, почему удалённая работа более эффективна / Хабр
- Работай асинхронно / Хабр
- Нетривиальная расстановка элементов на flexbox без media-запросов / Хабр
- Uncommon Use Cases For Pseudo Elements
- Investments Terminal
- HTTPX: A Ruby HTTP library for tomorrow
- Taming Large Rails Applications with Private ActiveRecord Models
- Managing PostgreSQL partitioned tables with Ruby - Honeybadger Developer Blog
- Piotr Murach - Streaming Large ZIP Files in Rails
- Using bind parameters in Active Record for SQL security and performance – Saeloun Blog
- WebSockets - A Conceptual Deep-Dive | Ably Realtime
- Improving Performance with Flame Graphs | Getaround Tech
- Ruby 2.7 adds inherit as an optional argument to Module#autload? – Saeloun Blog
- Rails 6 adds ActionMailer#email_address_with_name | BigBinary Blog
- Rails 6 raises ArgumentError if custom param contains a colon | BigBinary Blog
- Rails 6 adds ActionDispatch::Request::Session#dig | BigBinary Blog
- Rails 6 marks arrays of translations as trusted safe by using the ‘_html’ suffix | BigBinary Blog
- Rails 6 adds filter_attributes on ActiveRecord::Base | BigBinary Blog
- Rails 6 allows passing custom configuration to ActionCable::Server::Base | BigBinary Blog
- basecamp/full_request_logger: Make full request logs accessible via web UI
- slatedocs/slate: Beautiful static documentation for your API
- shioyama/invisible: Override methods while maintaining their original visibility
- intridea/hashie: Hashie is a collection of classes and mixins that make hashes more powerful.
- Чтение манги Банщик: Я и она в женской бане?! глава 27 [Страница 8]
- Wet Vagina Pussy after Orgasm in Extreme Close up HD - Pornhub.com
- Доступность и закон - Web Standards - Medium
- Ruby Russia club - YouTube
- Помимо автоматизированного тестирования доступности: шесть вещей, которые я проверяю на каждом своём сайте
- Alpha Beta Gamer - YouTube
- CSS micro-tip: prevent history navigation on horizontally-scrolling elements - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
- Unicorn Platform v2.0 - Simple landing page builder for startups 🦄 | Product Hunt
- How to Publish Web Components to NPM
- Продвижение в картах Яндекс и Google - Hotmaps
- НУР главная
- @kellipenni • Фото и видео в Instagram
- Show Search Button when Search Field is Non-Empty | CSS-Tricks
- 13 useful JavaScript array tips and tricks you should know - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
- Sequent 4.0 | Sequent - CQRS & event sourcing framework for Ruby
- Почему я перестал использовать экспорт по умолчанию в моих JavaScript-модулях
- Shopify/semian: Resiliency toolkit for Ruby for failing fast
- ankane/pghero: A performance dashboard for Postgres
- moove-it/sidekiq-scheduler: Lightweight job scheduler extension for Sidekiq
- PGTune - calculate configuration for PostgreSQL based on the maximum performance for a given hardware configuration
- schneems/puma_worker_killer: Automatically restart Puma cluster workers based on max RAM available
- Spectrum CSS
- Writing Asynchronous Tasks In Modern JavaScript — Smashing Magazine
- Профессиональный онлайн-курс «Анимация для фронтендеров» — HTML Academy
- Профессиональный онлайн-курс «Анимация для фронтендеров» — HTML Academy
- Отменить или закрыть? Дизайн неоднозначных действий | UXPUB
- Созданный в бездне глава 1 том 1
- Компоненты-агностики в Angular / Блог компании Tinkoff.ru / Хабр
- собакены.jpg
- Adopt a Design System inside your Web Components with Constructable Stylesheets
- JavaScript | 2019 | The Web Almanac by HTTP Archive
- ai/size-limit: Calculate the real cost to run your JS app or lib to keep good performance. Show error in pull request if the cost exceeds the limit.
- The Accessibility of Styled Form Controls | a11y_styled_form_controls
- Why does my App’s Memory Use Grow Over Time?
- Persisted queries in GraphQL: Slim down Apollo requests to your Ruby application — Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog
- Plugging in AnyCable | Drifting Ruby
- Getting Started with Svelte and Rails 6 - Noteworthy - The Journal Blog
- matt-harvey/tabulo: Ruby terminal table generator with a DRY, column-based API
- Get Unused Routes of Large Rails App 🛠 - By Rishi Pithadiya
- Avoiding jagged edges on gradients. - Mandy Michael - Medium
- A new terminal-style line breaking with CSS Text – make everything intensely
- imgproxy: fast and secure on-the-fly image prosessing.
- GSAP 3 Is Available Now! - Blog - GreenSock
- Markup | 2019 | The Web Almanac by HTTP Archive
- Конкурент. uCalc — универсальный конструктор калькуляторов и форм
- Ruby Weekly Issue 476: November 14, 2019
- Comparisons - Tomo
- piotrmurach/strings-case: Convert strings between different cases.
- CSS Variables With Inline Styles
- A Look at JAMstack’s Speed, By the Numbers | CSS-Tricks
- Штраф в 30 тыс. евро за незаконное использование cookies / Блог компании Digital Rights Center / Хабр
- HTML5 Video Converter online :: Any video to MP4 Webm OGV
- Hotjar | Behavior Analytics Made Easy | Website Heatmaps & More
- Большая статья про сон: из чего он состоит и зачем нужен — Истории на TJ
- Современная загрузка скриптов / Блог компании Райффайзенбанк / Хабр
- Alexander Plyuto 🎲 | Dribbble
- CSS Custom Properties In The Cascade — Smashing Magazine
- Разница между асинхронной функцией и функцией, возвращающей промис / Хабр
- Маленькие хитрости кастомных свойств (CSS-переменных) — CSS-LIVE
- Pika Registry - The JavaScript package registry for the modern web.
- RNG42/NoitaSeedChanger: This tool forces the game ‘Noita’ to use any seed you want.
- Local-first software: You own your data, in spite of the cloud
- Brizo — CRM и финансы для предпринимателей
- «Черная пятница» 2019 для бизнесменов — скидки на сервисы ведения бизнеса
- The Smallest Difference ・ Robin Rendle
- Scaling SVG Elements
- How Do You Remove Unused CSS From a Site? | CSS-Tricks
- Знакомьтесь,
/ Хабр
- Зачем в JavaScript нужен строгий режим? / Блог компании RUVDS.com / Хабр
- Все закладки. (Сохрани в ЗАКЛАДКИ, чтобы не потерять) - Google Sheets
- The Delegation Challenge of Ruby 2.7 · On the Edge of Ruby
- mattbrictson/tomo: A friendly CLI for deploying Rails apps ✨
- Изучаем SEO самостоятельно: большая подборка материалов / Хабр
- SVG или canvas? / Блог компании RUVDS.com / Хабр
- Rails 6: the missing developer setup guide - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
- 10 New Things in Active Record
- Pulling the trigger: How to update counter caches in your Rails app without Active Record callbacks — Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog
- Similarity in Postgres and Rails using Trigrams · pganalyze
- How to Stay Up to Date With Your Rails Application - Ruby on Rails Upgrades
- Piotr Murach - Working with Capistrano: Tasks, Roles, and Variables
- chatwoot/chatwoot: Simple and elegant live chat software 🔥💬
- Using UUID in Rails 6 with PostgreSQL and ActiveRecord
- Ruby 2.7 adds Enumerator#produce – Saeloun Blog
- ruby-next/ruby-next: Ruby Next makes modern Ruby code run in older versions and alternative implementations
- Isolating Rails Engines with RuboCop - Flexport Engineering
- Configurable Ruby Modules: The Module Builder Pattern | AppSignal Blog
- Empty Arrays: surprising behaviour | Mesomorphic Ltd
- Rails 6 bulk insert records – Saeloun Blog
- Artichoke is a Ruby Made with Rust 💎🦀
- carmen-ruby/carmen: A repository of geographic regions for Ruby
- nyku/ezmetrics: A simple tool for capturing and displaying Rails metrics.
- How to GraphQL - The Fullstack Tutorial for GraphQL
- Use CSS Subgrid to layout full-width content stripes in an article template - bryanlrobinson.com
- Joplin - an open source note taking and to-do application with synchronisation capabilities
- meitu/lmstfy: Task Queue based on Redis
- How Rails generates UUIDs by extending the digest library
- Увеличить популярность страницы в vk / VK-Leaders
- Making a Better Custom Select Element ◆ 24 ways
- LottieFiles - Free animation files built for Lottie, Bodymovin
- Ilya Pavlov - Lottiefiles
- Манхэттенские Проекты №1 (The Manhattan Projects #1) - читать комикс онлайн бесплатно | UniComics
- Сухарев Иван — веб-дизайн и разработка сайтов на 1С Bitrix
- Having fun with ES6 proxies - LogRocket Blog
- paulirish/lite-youtube-embed: A faster youtube embed.
- ✨Calculating Color: Dynamic Color Theming with Pure CSS | Una Kravets Online✨
- Material theme creator
- Esperanto - Interviews of creatives from all over the world.
- ProtoPie - Interactive prototyping tool for all digital products
- Clickable Maps in JavaScript | Interactive Maps | JQVMap
- Peity • progressive
- DataTables | Table plug-in for jQuery
- Critical CSS with Rails and Webpacker - SprocketsLess Part 1 - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
- Smooth Shadow Generator
- Home - Office UI Fabric
- piotrmurach/strings: A set of useful functions for transforming strings.
- piotrmurach/strings-inflection: Convert between singular and plural forms of English nouns
- piotrmurach/finite_machine: A minimal finite state machine with a straightforward syntax.
- piotrmurach/necromancer: Conversion from one object type to another with a bit of black magic.
- gocardless/statesman: A statesmanlike state machine library.
- Statesman: A modern, robust Ruby state machine | GoCardless
- janko/image_processing: High-level image processing wrapper for libvips and ImageMagick/GraphicsMagick
- excon/excon: Usable, fast, simple HTTP 1.1 for Ruby
- Ruby - raise Exception.new or raise Exception - they’re both the same | Arkency Blog
- Overpacking: A Common Webpacker Mistake - rossta.net
- From ActiveRecord callbacks to Publish/Subscribe pattern and event-driven design - Karol Galanciak - Distributed Systems Architect and Ruby on Rails expert
- Ruby Literals You May Not Know - citizen428.net
- What’s new in Ruby 2.7? - Ruby Inside - Medium
- Ruby 2.7 adds shorthand syntax for arguments forwarding – Saeloun Blog
- Продуманные запросы: стратегии кэширования в век PWA / Блог компании RUVDS.com / Хабр
- Web Performance Calendar » Performance Tips for Background Video
- CSS { In Real Life } | 7 Uses for CSS Custom Properties
- How We Implemented a Baseline Grid Using CSS - NYT Open
- CSS Animated Headlines | CodyHouse
- Components | CodyHouse
- Golden canon grid: страшилка для фронтендеров / Хабр
- Quoting in HTML: Quotations, Citations, and Blockquotes | CSS-Tricks
- storeon/storeon: 🌩 A tiny (175 bytes) event-based Redux-like state manager for React, Preact, Angular, and Svelte
- Why
is Not an Accordion - daverupert.com
- Microbrowsers Are Everywhere ◆ 24 ways
- Анастасия Изюмова
1. ActionCable
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9. Статьи
- Гит - 19 Tips For Everyday Git Use
- Гит - Эффективное использование Github / Блог компании 2ГИС / Хабрахабр
- Гит - How to delete local git branches after the merge – yogodoshi.com
- Корзина и заказ в рельсе через субмодели, Марк Мельник
- Прекратите использовать instance-переменные для view — Medium
- Рецепт от DHH - DocumentScoped concern for nested controllers
- brigade/overcommit: A fully configurable and extendable Git hook manager
- Check GZIP compression
- Closure tree by mceachen
- Destructuring with Ruby
- Dynamic Rails Error Pages | mattbrictson.com
- Each form gets its own CSRF token in Rails 5 | BigBinary Blog
- Embracing Change: Rails 5.1 Adopts Yarn, Webpack, and the JS Ecosystem - Pixelated
- Embracing Change: Rails 5.1 Adopts Yarn, Webpack, and the JS Ecosystem - Pixelated
- Full guide on creating statefull Telegram bot — Medium
- GraphQL - Welcome
- Guide to upgrading from Sprockets 3.x to 4.x
- It’s About Time (Zones)
- Kill Your Dependencies
- New feature in Rails 5: Render views outside of actions — Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog
- New features in ruby 2.3 - BlockScore Blog
- Rails and Webpack: No Gem Required · Kir Shatrov blog
- Rails Helpers: WHY?!?
- Real-Time Messaging with Rails and ActionCable
- Sending Web Push Notifications from Rails - rossta.net
- Shorts tutorials - GitHub · Where software is built
- SOLID Ruby Code with Pub/Sub – Glauco Custódio – Software engineering, open source, community and passion
- Step by Step Guide To Building React Redux Apps — Medium
- Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, 2e: Top
- The 10 Most Underused ActiveRecord::Relation Methods - Mitch Crowe
- The biggest Rails code smell you should avoid to keep your app healthy — Planet Arkency — Medium
- The simple but powerful Ruby Struct | Leigh Halliday
- True and False vs. “Truthy” and “Falsey” (or “Falsy”) in Ruby, Python, and JavaScript
- Using Web Push Notifcations with VAPID - rossta.net
- westonganger/spreadsheet_architect: SpreadsheetArchitect lets you turn any activerecord relation or ruby object collection into a XLSX, ODS, or CSV spreadsheet
- Your Friend Enumerable
- Trumail | Free Email Verification API
- Working with time zones in Ruby on Rails — Varvet
- Typed Ruby // Speaker Deck
- Good migrations gem
1. Анимация
1. Валидация форм
1. Скролл и скроллбар
1. ES6 и Реакт
1. Webpacker
1. Zoom.js
2. Доступность (a11y)
2. Оптимизация и ускорение
- 10k Tips for a Lighter Page Load – Medium
- 60fps scrolling using pointer-events: none | The CSS Ninja - All things CSS, JavaScript & HTML
- Гонка за скоростью – devSchacht – Medium
- Дели — сокращай, или как мы делали мобильный 2ГИС Онлайн / Блог компании 2ГИС / Хабрахабр
- Критический запрос – devSchacht – Medium
- Линтинг HTML с помощью CSS – front-end.su
- Переходим на HTTP/2
- Пример веб-производительности / Блог компании Infobox / Хабрахабр
- Производительность визуализации | Web | Google Developers
- Шаблоны оптимизации JavaScript. Часть 1 – devSchacht – Medium
- Я хочу, чтобы сайты открывались мгновенно / Хабрахабр
- A Comprehensive Guide To HTTP/2 Server Push – Smashing Magazine
- async vs defer attributes - Growing with the Web
- Building in 10k: Markup for Accessibility, Clarity, and Affordance | Microsoft Edge Dev Blog
- CodePen - JPNG.svg (Transparent PNG with JPEG Compression)
- Critical Path CSS Generator - by Jonas Ohlsson
- gpujs/gpu.js: GPU Accelerated JavaScript
- How to optimize resizing or scrolling | Ivan Akulov’s blog
- HTTP/2 is not future. It’s present. | Blog Eleven Labs
- HTTP/2: готовимся к переходу / Блог компании Селектел / Хабрахабр
- lazy-image demo
- Managing CSS & JS in an HTTP/2 World | Viget
- Optimising build performance, initial: 40s, incremental: 6s · Issue #1574 · webpack/webpack
- Performance - airbnb/javascript: JavaScript Style Guide
- Performance Analysis Reference | Web | Google Developers
- Robots must suffer — linters and tools for front-end development by Andrey Sitnik
- Size Limit: Make the Web lighter — Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog
- The “Blur Up” Technique for Loading Background Images | CSS-Tricks
- The Critical Request | CSS-Tricks
- The State of the Web – Karolina Szczur – Medium
- Web fonts: when you need them, when you don’t – Hacker Noon
- webpack bundle inner structure and optimization-声享
- Webpack incremental builds are slow · Issue #616 · erikras/react-redux-universal-hot-example
- You Don’t Need
- Deploying ES2015+ Code in Production Today — Philip Walton
- Essential Image Optimization
- Развертывание кода ES2015+ в продакшн сегодня / Хабрахабр
- Иллюзия скорости / Хабрахабр
- eBay’s Font Loading Strategy | eBay Tech Blog
- Using Webfonts · An A List Apart Article
- back_to_top.js
- Критический CSS + прогрессивный CSS = ? – Web Standards – Medium
- SVGOMG - SVGO’s Missing GUI
- Атомарный CSS: Slides
- Оптимизируй это
- The Cost Of JavaScript – Dev Channel – Medium
- Smooth corners with CSS Houdini - Vincent De Oliveira
- Size Limit: Make the Web lighter by Andrey Sitnik
- Метрики загрузки страницы – Web Standards – Medium
- SpeedCurve | The average web page is 3MB. How much should we care?
- Жизнь Пикселей
- Evil Front Part 1: Modern Front-end in Rails — Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog
- Evil Front Part 2: Modern Front-end in Rails — Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog
- Evil Front Part 3: Modern Front-end in Rails — Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog
2. Рефакторинг
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